chapter two

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Charmaine stormed into Envy's study and threw the newspaper on her huge mahogany desk.

The male guest Envy was with almost jumped seeing this frantic black woman just busting in the room. Envy gestured with her fine manicured hand that everything was alright.

"When was you going to tell me about this?" Charmaine questioned folding her arms.

Envy glanced at the news article which read This Train Has Jumped The Tracks. Nationwide Manhunt Begins.

"It's all over the News," Charmaine expressed nodding her head at the article. "And I am just now hearing about this. You had me..."

"Stop, child!" Envy said raising a finger up. "Before you embarrassing yourself anymore, I suggest you take a breather and remember who you are talking to."

Charmaine remained silent but still kept her arms folded.

Envy turned to her guest. "I'm afraid we will have to continue this matter at a later date."

The guest quickly nodded and hurried to get up and leave the room.

"Close the door," Envy ordered obliviously upset about Charmaine's outburst in front of a potential client.

Charmaine walked back and closed the door.

Envy blow air on her nails as Charmaine returned back to her desk.

Envy studied her nails then spoke, "First of all, remember there is one person in this room that can bust in doors and demand shit and you aren't that person. Second of all, if you ever approach me like that, I will show you the true meaning of severe punishment. I'm not those rot dogs you were hanging and I am damn sure not that whore of a mother that birthed you. I will end you with a snap and enjoy a nice dinner afterwards. I was what your fake ass mother was trying to be but can never. And if you ever come at me like that again, you won't even have the opportunity to false portray me."

Charmaine huffed but remained quiet.

Envy still didn't look at Charmaine but picked up the newspaper. "And yes I knew about this but as you can see it wasn't done by my hand or else it wouldn't be printed here."

Envy tossed the newspaper on the floor like a disgusting roach. "Don't ever come to me with bullshit. You address me always is if I can cut your throat with one finger twirl because I can and trust me you don't want to be on the other side of my trying to prove a point."

Charmaine unfolded her arms. She had heard all of the rumors about Envy. Some of those storied had been hearsay but the ones she knew as true she had seen with her own eyes and Envy was the real deal.

"Now before I continue, I think you owe me something," Envy looked at her nails again.

"I apologize for my abrupt intrusion," Charmaine apologized.

Envy looked at Charmaine now. "Yes, your little boyfriend..."

"He's not my boyfriend," Charmaine huffed.

"...did escape," Envy continued. "He was helped by a rival of mine I recently attained during my dealings in the weaponry industry. Train managed to reach out to the brute and somehow was able to plan his transfer and escape. The gentleman goes by the name of Trunk but his real name is Lamelle Twitch."

"Yeah, I heard of him before," Charmaine recalled. "I can't remember where"

"It had to have been a while back," Envy stated. "He was heavy in the drug and pimp gang in New York and definitely was what you young folks would call 'hood fabulous' even by those days' standards. Trunk made a real name for himself then fell off the grid. But somehow your boyfriend..."

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