Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

***Nikki's POV***

Beep! Beep! I smacked at my alarm clock, hoping to turn off the annoying beeping. I hate alarm clocks with passion, mainly because they wake me up. Damn it, why couldn't school start at noon, when I actually wake up? I kept my eyes closed and kept smacking the clock, hoping to make it shut up. After a few more tries, it finally was quiet and I settled back into my covers, ready to go back to sleep. Maybe I can just skip today and sleep, that would be nice.

I had just gotten back asleep when the beeping started back up, but louder this time. I wasn't expecting it and nearly fell off my bed. I opened my eyes to find my annoying little sister there with my alarm clock in my face. I glared at her and stood up slowing, intimidating her with just my height over her. She's only an eigth grade and she's still relatively short.

She cowered away and dropped the alarm clock before running out of the room. I felt a pain in my foot and looked down to realize that the alarm clock had landed right on my foot. I did what any normal person would do and grabbed my foot jumping around in pain. Luckily, I wasn't a cartoon so I didn't step on the alarm clock with the other foot and fall down.

I felt the pain secede from my body fairly quickly so I set my foot back down and grabbed my alarm clock off the floor, noticing that I only had ten minutes before I had to leave to get to school on time. I scowered through my drawers grabbing undergarmets and bolting off to the shower. I turned on the water, tore off my clothes and hopped in, scrubbing my body quickly. I didn't have to wash my hair because I showered last night. I shower both times because sometimes I sweat in my sleep or I just feel unclean, plus it helps me wake up. I was out of the shower in two minutes and threw on my undergarmets before running to my bedroom.

I pulled on some red skinny jeans and threw on my Volcom shirt with some blue converse. I checked my phone and saw that I still had five minutes to go. I swiped some silver eyeshadow on and whipped out my liquid liner, quickly giving myself a small cat eye. I put on my glasses, grabbed my phone from the charger, and grabbed my backpack before running downstairs. I noticed some glazed doughnuts sitting on the corner and grabbed one to take a bite. I almost choked on the doughnut because it was stale so I did my magic trick and stuck it in the microwave. It heated it up and the stale was magicly gone.

I shoved that into my mouth, grabbed some orange juice and ran out to the car, getting in with a minute to spare. I grinned and put in my headphones, zoning the world out. I stared out the window and watched as the sun came up over the horizan causing pinks and oranges to break out across the sky. I always loved watching the sunrise, but that required waking up early so I only saw it on school days.

After a full fifteen minutes in the car, I hopped out, grabbing my stuff from the back and walking off into the school. I walked over to my locker and grinned when I saw Mark standing awkwardly next to Joey and Jayson who were heavily swapping spit. I gave him and evil grin. I walked up behing Jayson and prepared my hands for what I was about to do. I set my palms flat and put them on either side of his head. I counted to three and slapped both his ears. He jumped back from Joey and glared at me with his hands on his ears. I grinned at him and stole Joey away walking. I turned to stick my tongue out at him and saw him charging at me. I yelped and let go of Joey to run down the hall and around the corner.

As I came around the corner I ran into a hard, muscular chest. I glanced up at a smoking hot guy. My voice stuttered out a sorry and I couldn't keep my eyes from him. He had black hair that was slightly long enough to cover a little of one of his eyes, but not too long. He also had a strong jawline and green eyes that were making my knees go weak. I felt thankful that had caught me before when I was falling backwards so I couldn't fall anymore. I could feel sparks from where he touched me like in the movies and the books I read. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his and saw him give me a small smile.

I heard a pounding and turned around, breaking the gaze with the new guy, to see Jayson running at full speed at me, and let me tell you, that was pretty damn fast. I ripped out of new guy's arms and took off down the hall screaming, "Sorry, new boy!" behind me. I heard a chuckle over the footsteps of Jayson and smiled slightly. I turned another corner, going wide this time so I didn't run into anybody. I found my classroom and slowed down so I could walk inside without getting in trouble.

I couldn't say the same for Jayson though. He ran straight in through the door and slammed it open in the process, scaring the teacher and the students that were sitting around in the desks. The teacher glared at him and he smirked at her. I chuckled at what he was gonna get as I walked calmy to my seat in the middle of the class. The teacher gave him two days of detention for running in the halls and slamming the door. I grinned at him and saw him sit in his assigned seat on the other side of the classroom. A few minutes later, Joey and Mark walked in side by side, not bothering to hurry. Joey came and sat next to me in her chair and turned to the front, pulling out her phone, probably to text Jayson, because that's just how she worked.

Just as the bell rang, another person walked into the room; the new boy. He looked so edible in his ripped jeans and fitting t-shirt. He looked around the room and spotted me over on the side, with one empty seat next to me. I grinned and pulled my backpack from the chair, allowing his access to it. Joey looked at me wide-eyed and I chuckled at her before sticking my tongue out. She got the message and smirked at me with an eyebrow wiggle. I grinned and turned back to the front. The teacher told the new kid to introduce himself so he stood up with a huff and said his name was Zavier. I grinned because that was one of my favorite names.

He sat back down, but snuck a wink out of the corner of his eye. I grinned evenly wider and just turned back to the front, not knowing exactly how to react to that. I heard a small chuckle come from my right and ignored it slightly.

The door opened once again and the teacher looked about ready to have a fit. This one was a small girl with bright red hair, obviously from a bottle. She had aqua eyes and I was marveled at how easily she "controlled" the teacher. The teacher just sighed and went on with the lesson.

She grinned widely and sat down at a seat in the back. I settled into my seat and took notes on the lesson, not really caring about it at all. I just wanted the bell to rang so I could get out here. No one really likes school, except for maybe a few people, so at least I wasn't alone in my feelings of escape.

After the bell rang, I saw Zavier following me around through the halls. I turned to give him a suspicious look, but continued on to my locker. He apparently had a locker one down from mine. He turned to look at me and asked my name. I smiled at him and said, "My name's Nikki." He grinned and said it slowly, rolling it off his tongue. I shivered as I heard it, but otherwise didn't think anything of it.

After I had my stuff out of my locker, Zavier stepped up beside me and started walking with me. I turned to him and said suspiciously, "Zavier...what are you doing?" He handed me his schedule and I saw that I had every class with him. I don't even know how that's possible. Don't they like randomize the schedules so you never have the same person in all your classes? I nodded my head in understanding at him and handed back his schedule, trying to wrap my head around the phenomena.

What are the chances that he would get the same classes as me?

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