Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Our perimeter was breached. Zavier come quick! Hide Nikki in your room and get to the front yard! We need your help!" a random she-wolf said all in one breath as she ran into the room.

I woke up and jumped when I found Zavier carrying me to his room. I wondered what exactly she was talking about, but decided not to question it. Zavier put me down and pulled me into his closet.

"Nikki, I need you to stay here at all costs, I don't care what happens or what you hear, stay put, please!" I nodded my understanding and knew enough about what was going on that he needed to go.

"Zavier, go. You need to go help out with whatever is going on down there. I get it, now get you booty moving. Get!"

He chuckled and kissed my forehead before closing the door and walking downstairs with a sexy-thoughtful and pissed expression. Damn, my mate is hot.

It was probably at least half an hour before something happened. It was completely silent and I was counting to a hundred in Spanish because I didn't have anything else to do when I heard a crash and the shattering of glass. I peaked out th peep hole to see a grey wolf surrounded by the broken pieces of my window and and a few pieces of my now shredded curtains. I planned on just staying there and not help like Zavier told me to, but that was before the grey wolf shifted and turned into Melissa.

I began to shake when she didn't move. I checked my room for anybody else and, when I made sure and double-checked that nobody else was here, I ran over to her. She had scratches on her face that were already healing, but across her abdomen was a large gash and, from the looks of it, was really deep as well as was bleeding profusely.

I have never been trained in any medical anything whatsoever, but I figured that letting her sit here and bleed while I have an internal monologue wasn't the correct way to go. I pushed all the glass out of the way and dragged her into the bathroom. I laid her on the floor and then realized she probably won't be too excited to be naked when she woke up so I put her in a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. I pushed the shirt up so it covered her, but showed her stomach so I could work on it.

I didn't know anything about stitches so my best chance at the moment was to put some antibiotics and a bandage on it. I glance at the big bathroom and, after looking in all the cabinets along the walls, looked under the sink. There I found some antibacterial/pain relieving cream and some gauze along with medical tape. I grabbed a wash cloth and cleaned her wound as best as I could and then rubbed the cream on it, trying not to gag as I touched the ripped flesh. After that was done, I wrapped the gauze around her stomach and tied it off, wrapping medical tape around the gauze so it stayed in place. It was good enough for now.

I stood up and put her on my bed before running over to the door and listening. I jumped back when I heard pounding on the stairs. Figuring I would just wait it out, I locked the door and leaned against it. It wouldn't keep much out in the ways of other wolves, but it was the best I could do. When the fighting was over, I would go find Zavier or wait for him to come get me and then go find a werewolf doctor. I know that werewolves heal fast and maybe by the time I actually have a doctor look at her she'll be fine, but I'm going to keep her wrapped and take the necessary precautions against it not healing for any reason at all. I waited until the silence stayed for about twenty minutes before peaking out the door.

When I saw no one was in sight, I bolted down the stair and into the office. I gasped at what I saw. Don was lying unconscious on the floor with a small puddle of blood around his head and Mary was pushed up against the desk with her hands behind her back, held by a very scary looking man.

He looked to be about thirty-something and something about the look that he gave me, made me wanting to go crawl in a hole and hide. It might have something to do with his bright red eyes, or maybe it was the mean smirk he was giving, or maybe even the fact that he had Zavier's mother bent over a desk with a knife to her throat.

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