Part 7

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I woke up and instantly thought of Connor. I grabbed my phone and texted him. He texted back almost immediately.

S: Hey

C: I see you have stumbled upon my number...

S: lol. maybe

C: You doing anything today?

S: Yes. Meeting you at the beach

C: Haha see you in an hour

I put my phone down and got dressed in a SUPER cute bathing suit. For the paparazzi, of course.

By the time I was done cleaning up, I had 10 minutes to get to the beach. I got in my car and started driving.

As I got there, I noticed that he had a certain section blocked off with rose petals. I walked over, blushing like crazy, and jumped on his back. He laughed and held me on his back.


"Hey Connor. I like what you did"

"Oh yeah?"


He giggled and started running towards the water with me on his back, then jumped in and twirled so I would get wet. As soon as I got up I grabbed a squirt gun from the bag he brought, and started squirting him. We chased each other and when he finally caught up to me, I felt his warm hands on my waist. He pulled me against him, and kissed me. I kissed back and put my arms around his neck. I felt the cameras on us, but I didn't care.

We walked back to the towels, and laid next to each other and talked until the sun went down.

"Okay well, we should probably get going it's getting dark"

"Okay yeah"

We cleaned things up, and put things in his bag, and walked to our cars hand in hand. He walked me to my car first and held the door open for me to get in

I giggled

"Thanks, Connor"

He smiled.

"I'll see you soon, okay Carpenter?"


He leaned in and kissed me. When he pulled away, he closed my door, and tapped the side of my car. I smiled and waved, then drove home.

As I laid down, all I could think about, is Connor.


There was only one question remaining.

Do I, Sabrina AnnLynn Carpenter, love him?

I came to the conclusion that I truly did love him. So why waste a moment for my love for him to be unknown? I started walking to his house, because he lived a block away.

I was so excited. So happy that I finally found someone who I love, and who loves me.

I turned the corner and looked through his window to see if he was home.

My mouth dropped. I instantly fell to my knees. Tears came out of my eyes that I could not control. Connor. That name has more meaning to me than ever. But not love. Hate. The hate that comes when you least expect it. When you are the happiest. When it feels like the whole world has been above you this whole time, and when you are finally able to grasp it, it drops and breaks in front of your feet.

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