Part 14 (continued)

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Peyton snapped his head around and stared at me wide eyed, then jumped and reached for the remote, and turned off the tv.

"It was the tv Sab, go back to sleep!"

"No it wasn't I heard my name and I'd know your voice anywhere!"

He blushes slightly, but then went back to his panicking face.

"Sabrina, if I was the one talking, and I said I love you, would I do this?"

Just then he turned back around and grabbed Rowan by the head and kissed her.


"So you care?"

"No I don't care, Peyton, because if I did care, would I do this?"

I turned around and pulled Corey off the couch, then pressed my lips against his.

"I bet you care, Peyton!"

"I don't care at all! Come on Rowan lets get something to drink."

I sighed nervously when he went to the cabinet where the cups are, and looked back at me.

"Let's get some water, Rowboat, out of this cabinet full of clean cups!"

I rolled my eyes and looked back at Corey.

"Yeah, Corbear, let's sit and watch the Notebook while cuddling on the couch."

He went along with what I said, but looked very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, he jumped up and turned off the tv.

"Okay stop!"

Everyone turned their attention towards him."

"You too have been dragging me and Rowan along with your little plan to make each other jealous, but you haven't realized that the easiest way to start a relationship is to talk! It's obvious that you too have strong feelings for each other, and I'm done coming along with your dumb little plans!"

"Yeah I'm done too. You guys have to talk it out! Its been miserable for me and Corey to sit hear, and not being able to be with each other and enjoy this movie the way we are supposed to!"

Then Peyton finally speaks up.

"What do you guys mean by 'be with each other'?"

Then, Corey walks over to Rowan and puts his arm around her.

"Me and Row have been dating for a week now."

My mouth drops open, but I still stay silent.

Then Corey walks over to the hall door and stands in front of it, and Rowan does the same with the front door, and they told us they won't be leaving until we talk.

Peyton walks over to me and sits on the opposite side of the couch.

"This is why I didn't want to tell you."

He looks at me.

"Tell me what?"

"That I had feelings for you! It's been so awkward between us for the last two hours now!"

He sighs and walks upstairs, only to come back down minutes later with pajamas on.

I let him keep clothes here because sometimes his parents fight and I let him spend the night here until they stop.

"Why did you change?"

"We aren't gonna talk so we might as well go to sleep."

Soon enough, Corey and Rowan fell asleep against the doors they were up against, and Peyton fell asleep on the other side of the couch.

I was the only one still awake, and I wasn't planning on sleeping anytime soon. I felt so awkward and scared that this would be the end of our friendship, and we wouldn't talk much again. I also felt confused because of 'Cowan' becoming a thing. So many new things were happening, and I hated it. I wish I could start today all over again.

Minutes passed of me sitting, humming, and scrolling down my Instagram feed. I felt tired enough to fall asleep, but I couldn't sleep where I was.

I moved over next to Peyton, and I laid my head on his chest. A few seconds passed before he put his arm around me, then took it off. I could tell he felt unsure whether or not to put his arm around me, so I spoke up for him.

"Just do it you dork."

He finally did, and I could feel him smiling against my head.


He spoke in a low whisper.


"I like you."

"I like you too."

"No. I like like you."

"I know. Me too."

Separated: PeybrinaWhere stories live. Discover now