Part 10

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Yesterday, I spent the day at Connor's, and we told E! News that we were back together. His mom left to go catch a flight back to Las Vegas, so I was stuck with Connor all night, being tortured and beaten.

I woke up this morning to the sound of someone knocking on the door, so I stayed quiet and listened to Sarah open the door.

"Hey Peyton!"

"Hey Sarah, is Sab home?"

"Yeah she's upstairs. Are you okay? You must not be taking everything easily."

I couldn't hear what Peyton said next, but once I heard his footsteps coming upstairs, I hid and felt sharp pain on my face, and could see blood on the pillow.

I didn't have enough time to panic, because Peyton already opened the door.

"Hey, Sabrina."

He was whispering, how sweet.

"I'm sorry I haven't been talking to you. This is the only time I actually can talk to you without flaking out."

He went to sit on my bed, and as soon as his butt landed, he said, "I lo-", but was cut off my me sitting up super fast with killer pain in my foot.

"Oh, Sabrina I'm sorry are you okay?"

I had turned slightly enough for him to see the cuts on my face that I didn't even know we're there until I saw the blood on my pillow.

"What the hell happened to you!?!"

I smiled at how concerned he was.

"It's nothing I swear."


He caressed my face to see all around and to check if I had any other cuts, and I leaned forward and gave him a long hug.

He fell down onto my bed and I leaned against his chest.



"I'm okay"


I hesitated for a moment.

"I'm not."

Separated: PeybrinaWhere stories live. Discover now