Part 17

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Last night I managed to fall asleep without thinking too much about Connor and Peyton. I may have been too harsh on Peyton for just trying to protect me but I can't just be okay with him wanting to actually kill somebody.

I'm currently walking down the stairs into my living room and I see Peyton, asleep on my couch. I walk over and wake him up gently, and sit next to him.

"Hey Sabrina."

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Well good morning to you too."

He smirks and I raise my eyebrows.

"What? I wasn't going to leave you here alone. Not when Connor is stalking you."

I smile at his kind gesture, but then I remember why I was mad at him in the first place. "Hey even if he goes near me or touches me, I don't want you actually killing him."

He pouts "Think of it like this Sabrina, I'd rather ruin my life and go to jail for thirty years than let him lay a hand on you!"

"I know Peyton it's just that if you do actually kill him then I won't get to see you and you'll be a jail guy and I'll be a teenager with a celebrity's death on my hands."

As soon I finish talking, I get a text from a blocked number

Wow. It's hurtful to know you two are talking about killing me.

"What's wrong, Sab?"

I fake a smile, "Nothing. Let's go for a walk."

He nods and we walk out the door, heading to the duck pond in the middle of the park.

I sit down on one of the park benches while Peyton walks over to an ice cream cart to get us some snacks.


I quickly turn my head around and see Connor standing behind me with a bucket of phones in his hands.

"Go away!"

He walks in front of me and I stand up.

"I came hear to apologize."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Okay."

He sighs. "Look I'm sorry for sending those messages to you. I came hear to ruin all my extra phones that I had planned to use against you."

I look over and see Peyton still talking to the guy at the ice cream cart and I roll my eyes.

"What's with the bucket?"

He walks over to the pond and fills the bucket with water, and comes back with tears in his eyes.

I instantly feel bad for him and I can't help but want to give him a hug.

"I'm sorry for harassing you, for beating you, for cheating on you, for making your life miserable. I desperately hope you can forgive me."

I wipe away his tears. "It's okay."

I look back over and see the ice cream cart but no Peyton.

"What's this?"

I turn back around and see Peyton standing next to me.

"Don't worry Peyton. He came to apologize."

"And to take back my girl."

Peyton's eyes grow and his face gets red.

"Sabrina I came to apologize and ask you on a date."

"Leave her alone asshole! She's with me."

"Peyton stop."

He quickly leaves my side and stands next to Connor.

"You want me to stop? Fine. Choose."


"Choose. Me? Or Connor?"

My jaw drops at what he's making me
do. I love them both but I'm already with Peyton and he treats me so amazingly. But so did Connor. I mean the flowers on the beach, the movie nights and cuddles. Peyton never did any of those. But Connor beat me, cheated on me, and broke me. Peyton never did any of those things.

"Why is this taking so long? I don't beat you or cheat on you!"

Connor nudges him and Peyton punches him.

"Peyton! Stop!"

I run over to Connor and make sure he's okay. He stands up and walks close to Peyton.

"Hit me again."


"Why not, Sabrina?"

"Because he apologized!"

Peyton looks at me with a hurt, offended face.

"He beat you. Those scars won't ever leave your body. He beat you."

"Fine. You want me to choose? I chose. And I choose-"


"I'm so glad you chose me over them."

I smile.

"I love that smile. And I love you."

"Your the best."

I turn around and give him a hug and we walk over to my couch and turn on a movie.

"I'm glad I chose you too."


So she chose, but who?

Hey guys so today has been an interesting day because I passed out and it was absolutely terrifying! Anyways how was your day 😂

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