Chapter 5 - Runaway

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Rebekahs P.O.V
The car pulled up to the venue where the interview was and the outside of the building was surrounded by a swarming army of girls screaming. A wave of Anxiety flew over me, I hated my anxiety, I used to not even be able to leave the orphanage I was so worried. I was so stupid as to try to pretend I didnt have anxiety and I didnt bother telling James,Tris,Connor or Brad. I knew I really should of but I didnt want them taking me back to the orphanage because of it, I dont want to feel like a burden to them.

Joe came round and opened the door so that we could all get out, Connor walked out of the car first and told me to hold his hand as we walked through the people. Security guards surrounded us,girls screamed in our faces and rude comments were shouted at me. I began shaking and my anxiety became increasingly and increasingly worse. My mouth went dry and I began hyperventilating and feeling claustrophobic. I kept a tight grip to Connor's hand, until I felt that grip loosen and loosen, a girl pulled me away from Connor and I was flung to the floor. Girls stood on top of me,not even caring about the fact that I was lying on the ground lost. A piercing feeling went through my body as I felt someone kick my ribs, I winced in pain, sat on the ground curled up in agony. I brought my head to my knees, hoping people wouldnt hurt me as much. I felt kicks on my arms and legs and people stood on my stomach. I tried to stand up but I couldnt, the pain had overtook me.

I knew I wasnt going to find Connor or any of the boys, it was too busy. Girls stood above me and screaming rude names in my ear "Get up you worthless piece of sh*t!" "Fat a$$!" "Get the f**k up!" "Youre an ugly piece of trash" "your the fattest, ugliest, slutty b**tch Ive ever seen!" "Just go away,its not as if the Vamps like or care about who you are!" Tears rolled down my cheeks as I winced in pain. I scrambled away from the crowd, I managed, surprisingly. I found a bit of paper and I wrote a note with a pen that was in my bag to the boys and put it on Joe's windsheild wiper
"Dear Tris,Con,Brad and James,
I didnt mean to be torn away from you Connor, Im sorry.

Most of the girls outside have said things that make alot of sense and they made me think its easier if I just left, So thats what Im going to do.

Please dont come after me, its called running away for a reason, I dont want to be a burden to you or your careers so I decided its easier if I just left you guys.

I dont know what I'll do, I know Im not going back to the orphanage, I'll just attempt to make a

Thank You so much for everything you have done for me. Keep my guitar to remember me by x

I love you so much, Dad xx

I picked up my earphones and began to run,this was my start of my runaway.....

Sorry This is so short, I just wanted to end it on a cliffhanger XD.

Guess Who's getfing their hair dyed blue tomorow? *points to myself* Thissss girllll!!!

I better say goodbye to Brown and hello to blue

Love you, Thank You for reading xx

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