4. She's in Detention. Again. [Pict. Nate]

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I decided to update earlier after reading all the nice feedback I've been getting

SHOUTOUTS TO: Sneakybeauty66, beautifulshadow, pari110393, NinaSarvik, LoveMusic_Freedom, iloverain94, babyblueface7390, uduntknome, khanze17 AND Bookworm177,

I know I said I'd dedicate this chapter to Rareity, but Bookworm177 has been such a lovely fan of this book and given me such great feedback, I just had to. Sorry

Chapter 4

"Well, its been decided. You two will spend a week together , cleaning up more crap and doing harder labour in our fields. And if any, I mean any more childish play is involved, or spider attacks" he hissed, leaning over the table and looking both me and Nathaniel straight in our eyes "I will make your lives, here at Hemmings Academy a living shithole" he boomed out. I had the biggest temptation to burst out laughing at then sound of the teacher in charge of detention, swearing, whose name was Mr Jennings, by the way. I don't know, I don't think I'll ever get used to hearing a teacher swearing.

"Bad teacher. Swearing at students" Nathaniel tutted. I tried my best not to let him notice the smile that cracked across my face. I was still angry at him for placing that vulgar spider on my head. Mr Jennings scowled us before slamming his fist on the table, causing us both to flinch.

"Listen Mr Reece" He said slowly, trying to calm him self. I was kind of expecting him to burst into a werewolf right there, seeing his veins trying to pop out of his forehead. "No matter how hard you try, I will not expel you, so stop Trying!" he spoke, his voice rising at the end. I glanced over at Nathaniel to witness his reaction and saw his grip on the handle of the chair harden, making me afraid he'd break it. His face turned cold and his features hardened as he bound up and stomped out of the room. I sighed and got up too, trying to make my movements seem nonchalant and unaware of Mr Jennings pissed off face. Although my exit wasn't as dramatic as Nathaniel's, Mr Jennings' angry eyes still followed me on the way out, not in a perverted way though.

More like a make a wrong move and I'll kill you way. Although that didn't really bother me at all. Since I couldn't get expelled, annoying him might be the only entertainment.


"Here it is, down the hall from me!" cheered Tessa, pointing at the beige door which had the numbers 56 neatly written on it, and some very rude graffiti alongside it. I laughed at one of the comments.

"Sylvester Stallone, really?" I chuckled, reading a scribble which said 'Sylvester Stallone is sex'

"Well, this school is really old, it was around during the Rocky times" Tessa shrugged. I smirked and went to open the door when I noticed another scribble, right under the silver door handle.

"I had sex with Nathaniel.R? Now why on Earth would you scribble that on a door? Especially mine?" I sighed, rolling my eyes in exasperation.

"He is pretty popular, not to mention hot" Tessa emphasised. I just shook my head in annoyance and twisted the silver knob open, entering what will be my 'dorm' for the rest of the year. I threw my bag onto the wooden table, which held a television, and lay on my bed. At least I thought it was mine. I felt something under the pillow and found 'Fifty Shades of Grey' underneath it, a page folded down. I chuckled, noticing another door, which was ajar, leading to another bed. That's probably my room.

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