17. She Listens to The Story

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Time for some serious talk..

I love reading all your comments, but please do not comment saying a part of the chapter shouldn't have been included or it should have been longer. Those complaints annoy me. Believe me guy I make my chapters as long as possible (alap), please just, don't.

Updates will also be taking longer since I'm doing NaNoWriMo

Anyways, I still love you guys for helping me get the reads ;) Wooo!!

Comments :

2. Bernadette13

You're comments were my fave of the last chappie :)

One more shoutout to this girl:
- Layba_Iglesias - for sending me the sweetest message.

Chapter 17

Nathaniel POV continued...

The door was already slightly ajar when I reached her room. I could hear her breathing just from standing on the other side of the door, loud enough for me to know she was still awake. I pushed open the door and saw her head whip towards so quickly, I was afraid she might have broken her head.

"Oh, it's only you" she sniffled, quickly hiding her tears under the blanket. I sighed lightly and stepped over until I was beside her bed. She shuffled over, away from me.

"What are you doing?" She grumbled, turning away from me. I sighed wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer. At first she was struggling, but quickly complied when thunder struck loud and clear. I calmingly ran a hand over her arm, which covered in goosebumps. "Nathaniel, why are you here?"

"Just shhh" I mumbled, nestling my head into the crook of her neck. "Just go to sleep, Abigail. I'll answer all of your questions later, but now, lets just sleep" I sighed.

I was quickly getting used to this.

"And lets admit it. You know you want me here" I quipped cheekily before letting the darkness take over. I felt a bit of shuffling around before her legs intertwined with mine.

"You're still a douche, you know?" she muttered, hugging herself closer to me. I smiled to myself.

"I know"

It was early when I woke up. I felt the rays of sunlight fighting to get through the curtains. Stretching, I let a big yawn escape me before I turned my head to see Abigail peacefully sleeping. Unconsciously, I reached out and tucked in a fallen strand of hair behind her ear. I lay back down when I heard a buzz. It was her phone.

Should I... No, it's bad to snoop, but maybe a peek, it won't hurt.

Curious, I carefully leaned over Abigail's body and reached out for the phone. Checking to see if she's still asleep, I quickly looked at the home screen of her iPhone.

Good Morning Beautiful xoxo
Meet me for breakfast at Starbucks. You know the one ;)

- Jesse Freeman

For a second I just dumbly stared at the screen, not sure of what the appropriate reaction should be.

I hated that guy, Jesse Freeman, for more reasons than anyone, and to see Abigail so happily dating him, just made me angry and nervous to see what would be coming this time. Without a second thought after my brief reminiscing about my terrible past with him, I unlocked Abigail's phone, and deleted the message.

Abigail's POV

He was gone.

Stretching my arms, I sat up in my bed as a yawn escaped me. The curtains were opened, letting in the Saturday sunlight and my door was closed. I remember leaving it open.

Just as I was about to get out of bed, I spotted a note on the bed side table. I reached out and grabbed the post-it note and read it.

Meet me in my dorm
- N

For a second I frowned at the note. Should I go? Crumbling up the note, I chucked it in the trash can. Shimmying off my bed, I waddled outside to the wafting smell of coffee.

"Morning" Rikki smiled, handing me a cup. I gave her a silent thank you, as I had lost half of my voice from crying last night. Rikki sat down on the couch beside me. "Had a good sleep?" she said smugly. I rolled my eyes, but none the less, nodded. "Did he kiss you?" Her question caught my off guard. I frowned at her

"No?" I asked her like it was a question, my voice coming out hoarse. I let out a cough to clear my throat. "I'm going to have a shower" I mumbled, rubbing the temple of my head.

Stripping out of my clothes, I stepped into the shower cubicle and sighed as the cool water trickled down my back. My wandered back to last night, the warm feeling that was triggered in me when Nate pulled me close and hugged me. And he was right.

I had wanted him there last night.


"Sparky!" Dylan exclaimed as he opened the door. I smiled and gave him a huge hug. "What's up?"

"Just feel like I haven't seen you in ages, Dildo" I chuckled, pulling back. I felt like I haven't been taking advantage of having all my siblings here enough. Dylan chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"True , true" he sighed, pulling back. "Listen, I have a... date now" he muttered, fussing with his hair. For the first time, I noticed how dressed up he looked and gave him a grin. "I'll tell you who it is afterwards. But listen, next weekend, we'll all go out, just the four of us, so keep you agenda clear" he chuckled, before stepping out of the dorm, me following behind him. "See ya!" He quickly gave me a kiss on the cheek before locking his door and leaving. I sighed and decided there was something else I wanted to do.

I limped down the hallway to where his room was located. I felt unsure, as to whether I was making the right decision. Heaving out a sigh, I realised that it was too late to turn back. So concentrated on my dilemma, I didn't realise the door in front of me had been opened.

"So, are you just going to stand there or?" Nathaniel asked whimsically. It was obvious he was feeling just as fidgety as me, his hand twitching ever so often. I shook my head, responding to his question, and walked into his dorm.

"Well..." I said awkwardly, slowly taking a seat on his couch. I had no idea why he invited me, and quietly sat and waited for one of us to start up the conversation.

"Brayden's gone" he said.

"Huh?" I asked, caught iff guard. I was to immersed in my own thoughts. I looked around and realised there was no sign of his son.

"My son. He went home this morning" he said, taking a set across from me. I slowly nodded, unsure of what else to do. A few more minutes of silence passed, neither of us speaking or daring to look at one another. After a while, Nathaniel finally sighed. "This isn't working. Lets go somewhere" he said, standing up and lending me a hand. Carefully, I took his hand and also stood up, not sure of what we were going to do.


The car stopped beside a lake. For a while, I just stared at the scenery in front of me, trying to figure out why it was so familiar until it finally hit me. He'd bought me here before, to show me his boat and fireworks after taking me to watch a fight.

"Why are we here?" I asked, hopping out of the car. There was a cool breeze sweeping part us, and I pulled my jacket tighter around me.

"Come on" he said, taking ahold of my hand. He lead me down to the jetty until we were standing in front of his boat. I recognised it because Evan was scrawled across it. First, he swung his leg over the edge of the boat and got in, before stretching out a hand to help me in. For a second, I stayed put on my spot, not willing to go in, but took anyways.

"So why are we here?" i said awkwardly, tightening my ponytail.

"First of all, you have to stop being like that" he noted, crossing his arms over his chest. A calm breeze flew past and ruffled his hair. He looked at me in a scrutinizing manner.

"Like what?" I said, offended.

"Like your very uncomfortable and would rather be anywhere else than sitting here and hearing me out" he explained.

"Why do I have to hear you out?" I asked, tired. I wish he would just get on with the story or let me go back to my dorm. I started regretting even bothering to come.

"Because you are my only real friend and I don't want to lose that" the seriousness in his voice rattled me. I stopped avoiding to look in his eyes and turned to him. A fuzziness built up in my chest at his words and I sighed. He looked at me hopefully and I nodded.

"Okay, get on with your story then" I said, moving to go sit beside him. He turned his head to face me and smiled.

"Give me your hand" he whispered, reaching out and taking my hand.

"Why?" I asked

"Reassurance that you won't run away during the story" he murmured, tangling his fingers with mine, and I let out a chuckle. I shivered as a breeze tickled at my neck. Breathing in deeply, Nathaniel started his story. I watched the ripples in the water and listened.

"I was sixteen. I'd just had a fight with my girlfriend at the time, because I found out she was dating me for my best friend and that he'd slept with her once before. My best friend also had a girl friend then, and he wanted me to meet the girl he'd fallen head over heels for. Anyways, he invited me to a double date, but I'd broken up with my girlfriend, so I went alone. Before I went over to them, I went to the mens toilet. As I was coming out, I saw the hottest girl standing there. For a second, everything left my mind, and I went over to introduce myself..."

My ringtone suddenly went off, breaking me out of the trance. I reached into the back pocket of my trousers and pulled out my phone. Jesse's name was flashing on the screen. I huffed, and stared at it for a while longer, before accepting it. Nathaniel saw me accepting it, and got up to leave angrily, but I held onto his hand. He glared at me and I shrugged, not letting my grip falter.

"Wait" I mouthed to him before answering Jesse.

"Hello" Jesse's voice drifted through the speaker.

"Hey Jesse" I spoke back.

"Why couldn't you come this morning?" He asked. I was confused.

"Come where?" i asked. Nathaniel stood in front of me, his jaw tightly clenched.

"To Starbucks?" he asked, sounding just as confused.

"Listen Jesse, I have no idea of what you are talking about, but right now, I'm busy. I'll talk with you later, okay? Bye" I quickly finished, ending the call. I pulled Nathaniel back to sit beside me. "Continue your story"

"Oh yeah, anyways, when I saw this girl, I was really blown away. She and I talked for a bit until I accidentally blurted out that she was hot. She laughed and then stepped closer, and kissed me. I was shocked at first, but kissed her back and, well things escalated quickly. I pulled her into the men's toilet, we got into each others pants. But later, I found out my condom had done a bad job and she didn't have birth control. She left the baby boy with me and was just... Gone" he whispered the last part. And then I thought about it for a bit, and suddenly, something Jesse said during our first date hit me.

"Was Jesse your best friend?" I asked skeptically. He slowly nodded.

"And it turned out that the girl was my best friend's girlfriend too, but I didn't know that" he sighed. I slightly gasped, my eyes widening.

"Why didn't you just give the baby away?" I whispered, calmingly rubbing his fingers with mine.

"Orphanages suck, I would know. You know, before Maggie took me in, she used to be a volunteer worker at the orphanage, I just happened to be her favourite kid and she adopted me when I was nine." I was shocked at the new information, and I finally understood the relationship between them. I inched towards him and threw my arms around him, hugging him close to me. He wrapped his arms around me too.

Never ever would I have thought a bad boy like Nathaniel would have come from an orphanage.

"I also have to confess something else" he muttered, his head still in the crook of my neck.


"I might have deleted a message from Jesse inviting you to Starbucks because I really wanted to spend the day with you to clear things up, sorry" He blurted out really quick, causing me to pull back from him.



Song: Monster - Eminem ft Rihanna

Tv Show: Well, A lot of TVD had happened since the last update, but here are my top few points- Stelena, just get together and have sex already. Quetsiya you ass. I have a weird soft
spot for Silus and Amara :( Don't die Katherine!! I like Aaron, the Dr's son or whatever. Tyler is a little bitch. Caroline should find a new guy. Bonnie is still dead ... And who is the Augustine Vampire?

Movie: Hangover III

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