11. She Goes Out for Dinner

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So it's Saturday (In Australia, at least) and the school week's over soooooo UPDATE!!

I'm gonna update again next Saturday. Last week before term 3 holidays. YAY! Hectic last week. Hope I have more than 25000 reads I had a dream...

9/11, remember them ❤❤ Bless the lost souls.

Shoutouts: KeiolaRupe, SatinRivers, mininjacupcake, Shryde, BrookieAllen, blazejoy, AmyGuo, BreeBecks, kaylagurl, hugsandkissesfromhell (there's quirkiness in this chapter for you) Caitlinsteven13,araykopo, stacynicole2000, anabella98, reagan_martin_9

Chapter 11

"You look... Stunning" Jesse sighed out, looking at me with a breathtaking smile. I smiled back shyly and walked towards him. I remembered Nathaniel saying the same thing when he saw me in that dress. Shaking thoughts of him out of my head , I looked back at my date.

"Thank you" I sighed, tucking a stray strand of hair back behind my ear. He opened up the front seat door and and I slid into his sleek black car, impressed by the design and furnishing. "Nice ride"

"You like it?" He looked at me from the driver's seat and I nodded. "Borrowed it from a friend for tonight" he smiled. I grinned back and stared at the city lights passing by as we drove to wherever were going.

"So, where are we going?" I asked, turning back to him. For the first time, I looked at his attire. A pale yellow button-down shirt matched with some black jeans.

In other words, he didn't look as 'dressed-up' as I did.

"Dinner" he answered vaguely, giving me a quick glance before looking back at the road. I frowned.

"And?" I pushed on, wanting further details. He shook his head.

"And it's a surprise" I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest childishly. I'm not a very patient person, so as you can see, it annoyed me to have to wait for a surprise. "You can stop pouting now, we're here" he chuckled.

I lifted my head up, surprised we'd already arrived at the destination. Beside us was a glass door, looking through to a lively but dimly lit restaurant. The name 'Rosa's Restaurant' was scrawled on it, flashing in neon lights. I gaped at the beautiful surrounding as I stepped out of the car. It was just beside a river , which was reflecting the lights of the restaurant.

"Wow..this is... breathtaking" I sighed, still gaped in awe. I felt Jesse's warm hand engulf around mine.

"It is" he smiled. I glanced at him and saw him staring at the river in deep thought. "Made so many memories here" he mumbled, more to himself.

"Like what?" I blurted out. He pulled me into the restaurant and got us a table.

"Freeman" he told the waiter, and lead us to our table.

That name sounds familiar....

Sitting at our table, Jesse smiled at me. "I've come here since I was a kid. The best and worst things that ever happened to me, all happened here" he sighed. For a second, his jaw clenched, but he calmed himself down before it was too noticeable.

"What are some things that happened here?" I asked, intrigued.

"Well, my Mother got married here, she says. I had my first date here. It's also where I had my first kiss". A look of nostalgia overtook his features as he flashed me a small smile.

"And what bad things happened here?" I asked again. I'm not sure it was an appropriate question to ask on a first date, but curiosity got the better of me. Like it always does.

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