Chapter 1

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I sat infront of my mirror, my reflection stunning with my straight chestnut coloured hair, the off the should crop top and my high waisted mini skirt.

Today I would know my position in the pack now that I had shifted, smiling at the picture taped to the mirror of my wolf with its blue-ish white fure with black tipped paws.
My wolf was also stunning and I couldn't help but smile at the memory of how much fun me and my cousin had had last weekend, his black wolf towering above me in the picture, the spring sun in May giving the forest a beautiful glow.

"Laina lets go before we are late." Chris yells up to my room from the bottom of the steps.

Taking one last look at myself I sigh and slip on my knee high black boots and grab my cell.

"Coming!" I yell back to my cousin and hurry down to where he was waiting.

"You look amazing." He gushes, his mate Jack coming over to snuggle into his side.

"Thank you, you two look amazing as well." I say laughing. Jack and Chris were the first openly gay mates in the pack, this started a little bit of a rift in the pack when they had found each other, but the alpha had stoped it and had said that same sex mates was allowed and so now there are about three mate pairs that were same sex.

It was quite sweet in a Romeo and Juliet kind of way, except no one died in the end.

"Now lets hurry up before we are late, that is not a way to start off as a working member of this pack." Jack states and grabs both Chris's and my wrist, draging us out the door and into the car.

The pack house was a half an hour drive from where we lived and it was mostly used for the warriors and wolves without mates. Even the alpha had his own house.

Our house was near the edge of the territory so it was a long drive and I spent most of it looking out at the trees.

Slowly the big mansion came into view and drive came to an end with the car at a stop in the parking lot, the three of us getting out infront of the old Victorian building.

"Remember, you are to mingle with the other wolves while the Alpha assigns you to your position, who knows, maybe you can be his mate." Chris says, kissing my forehead before he and Jake walked to join the other parents and guardians.

I sighed sadly as I watch wolves my age talk to their parents one last time, wishing for once that my own had survived the rogue attack eight years ago.

Shaking my head I take a deep breath, sighing wistfully one last time before turning towards the building and heading into it with a brave smile on my face.

The first thing that hits me was the amount of people, the second was how they were dressed.

Everyone wanted to make a good impression since they were aiming for the highest position possible, even the girls were trying to stay away from one position that no one wanted, the Breeder.

These girls were the ones forced to be fücked by the top warriors that were mateless and they would pop out the next generation of wolves that would be added to the ranks of the pack. It was a barbaric way to increase the pack's population but none of us had a say in it, to say I was nervous was an understatement and knowing that who ever got the breeder position would be a slave and would be screwed daily till she poped out twenty pups wasn't helping my mood.

While everyone else mingled, I stuck to myself and headed to a corner of the room as I spot the Alpha taking to a few girls, two warriors with him at all times. Those warriors were the ones everyone feared. They were the ones waiting for the girl who would be the newest breeder and they were the ones who handle them because they chose to never find their mates just to be able to have their pick of the breeder populace in the pack.

Finally the alpha turned and he made his way towards me.

"Laina how ni-." He stops and sniffs the air, moving closer to me.

This is it, maybe I will be his mate. The thought runs through my head and I wait patiently.

"Breeder." He states and moves his hands to grab my breasts. I gasp, not knowing what to do.

The two warriors smirk and grab my arms, quickly leading me out of the room.

Everyone knew what happens after you are assigned as breeder.
You would be whisked away from your family and forced to stay in a cottage guarded day and night only able to garden in the medium sized yeard given to you.

But the truth was you were nothing but the slave, and this was my future.
I was numb and my body was limp as the two moved me to a car away from all the wolves, in moments Chris and Jake would be told my position and they would be given a half an hour to talk to me as my legal guardians before I was taken away.

They would be here in 3...2...1...

"Laina, are you okay?" Chris's voice fills my ears and his arms hold me in a tight hug. I watch as the guards walk away to give us privacy, since this was my last free moment, they were not allowed to listen in at all.

A few minutes of silence fell between us and I couldn't stand it, my mind just couldn't wrap around the situation I was in.

"I...I don't know what to do." I whisper, feeling Jack wipe away stray tears that had fallen from my eyes.

"What you do is behave, wait for a free moment and run. Run towards the old tree house, look for something pink, grab it and keep running."
I couldn't understand what Chris had said, my fuzzy mind unable to comprehend his words before I was ripped away from him and pushed into the car, the door slamming in my face and the engine coming to life.
I watched in the review mirror as my life faded away from me, the tears now flowing freely.

This is how Katniss must have felt in the hunger games.

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