Chapter 14

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"Its been two hours, where are they?" Tate asked to no one in particular as he paced around the gazebo while I fed Julia.
"Alpha." I jumped slightly when a voice came from the center of the bridge to see a male standing there, looking at us.
"I was told to inform you that the Elders are here, do you want them to be led to the gazebo?" The man asked and he looked at me and smiled, causing Tate to growl at him.
"S-sory A-alpha but I thought that the L-Luna would like to know her Beta." He stammers and I smell the tint of fear.
"Tate behave." I warn as I stand, placing Julia in her bassinet before walking forward to shake his hand.
"Laina." I say smiling, having to crane my neck just to look up at him.
What was with the guys here being six feet or over? I thought before backing away and snuggling into Tate's side.
"Bring the Elders here and have some one bring snacks and drinks aswell." Tate says and Mike bows before leaving.
"I hate it when guys look at you, you're mine." He growls to himself, holding me possesively.
I sigh again and get onto my tiptoes, kissing his jaw gently.
"Lets go sit and wait." I suggest and he nodds, leading me back to the bench and sitting down with me still pressed to his side.
"When they come, let me talk." I say, almost asking my mate.
"Fine, but if I feel that your life and Julia's is in danger then I step in." He agrees after growling.
"Deal." I smile and kiss him happily before settling down.
We sat there silently for a few more minutes until Mike returned, leading six elderly people and two others with trays of food.
The elderly people crossed the bridge first, sitting down without shaking our hands or giving us a simple greeting. It took everything in me not to growl at them. The other two nodded their heads at me and Tate respectfully before setting pots of tea and coffee on the table with pastries and cups infront of all of us before standing at the edge of the bridge for more orders
"Mike we need a whitness to stay here while we converse with the elders." Tate says through gritted teeths.
"Yes Alpha, its why I have all of the proper equipment ready." His eyes hazed over and I could tell he was mind linking some one and soon two more men came and started setting up a camera and a voice recorder.
Once they were done, they left and Mike came and took a seat beside Tate.
"Now, lets get this started." I say, folding my hands neatly on the table and starring at the elders.
" didn't you're parents tell you its rude to stare little girl?" The man in the middle says and I smile sweetly at him.
"My parents couldn't teach me much because rogues killed them." They stared at me with open mouths and I could sense that Tate was smirking.
"Now, why was there an arrest warrant on me?" I ask and the elders growled.
"What gives you the right to demand answers." A female elder bristles and I glare at her.
"Because Samuel Lightran forced me to be a breeder as well as other females in my old pack and raped me to get an heir." I growl threateningly at them. They all gasped before one stood up and slammed his fist on the table.
"My great great nephew would do no such thing!" He yells and I stare at him.
"Really, want proof because I got pregnant four months and had to have emergency surgery a few days ago to get them out. Only one survived." As if to prove my point, Julia growled and Tate got up and swiftly picked her up, soothing her as he sits back down.
The elderly women who spoke earlier gasped and stared at me.
"You're Laina. Eeva said she had found a wolf who was a forced breeder. She didn't say what pack she ran away from." She states and I smile at her.
"Yes, I am Laina, the wolf who was raped. Now I suggest you see the Pinepaw Pack unannounced with me, Tate and Chris present so that you can see where I was kept and where other breeders are kept." The man was still standing and I looked at him when I spoke the next time.
"He stays out of the conversation since he could warn Sam and then you would never know the truth."
The man started to go red with rage and he hit the table again, shatering it as the sound of glass breaks and everything else on the table falls to the ground.
"YOU CANNOT MAKE ME DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT!" he roars and I stand up, glaring at the man and realizing that he was shorter then me.
"I can and I will due to the fact that you are related to the man that raped me. Now, sit down, shut up, and behave. You also owe me a new table." The elder and I had a stare down as we glared at each other, not backing down as we tried for dominance. I was done being this weak push over from a few month ago. I was a soon to be Luna and a mother, I would do whatever it took to get justice and protect my pup.
"Ross just sit down, we already decided to leave you out of this." The female elder said and Ross looked at her with wide eyes, backing down from me.
"You can't do that Dian." He states and glares at her.
"I can as the head elder." The woman, Dian, says.
I smirk and I sit back down beside Tate, watching as the elders have a conversation through their link before Ross growls in frustration and stalks away.
"Sorry about that Laina." Dian says and I smile at her.
"So can we have a civil conversation now?" Tate asks, handing Julia to me.
"Of course." A man to Dian's right says.


"Good night sweet heart." I whisper as I lower Julia into her bed for the night, the sounds of running water could be heard from across the hall where Tate and I share a room.
I smile at my sleeping baby before leaving the room and walking to mine.
"Time for a bit of R and R" I groan to myself, rubbing my shoulder.
"Yes and we are having one together." Tate says, wraping me in his embrace and kissing my forehead.
"No buts beautiful, we need some time to ourselves." I smile and nodd, stepping out of his arms and undressing.
"I will only do this if you give me a massage." I state, dropping my pants and underwear onto the gorund.
"Deal." His voice was a whisper as he huged me from behind, his body pressed to my own and completely naked.
Quickly he picked me up, taking us into the water where I instantly relax as he positions us so that he was against the wall and I was between his legs.
Carefully his hands knead my sore and tense muscles and I smile, leaning into his touch.
"I know you're still healing from your surgery so we will only have a bath tonight. But I can't wait to make you mine forever." He says with longing and my heart flutters.
Everyone in the pack I have met has called me Luna, but we weren't fully mated yet and I haven't been accepted into the pack cerimonialy yet.
"When will I become a member of the pack?" I ask after we were both scrubed and getting out to dry off and head to bed.
"When ever you feel like youre ready." He answers, kissing my forehead.
"How about this Saturday. Its a full moon and it would be a perfect time." I suggest, getting a breathtaking smile from him.
"Deal. We will do it at the pack house and its a week before we go to Pinepaw so that gives you time to explore the pack territory as their Luna." He agrees, picking me up bridal style and kissing me.
"But for now you need your sleep. So grab one of my shirts to wear to bed while I shave." He adds on, putting me on my feet again before he turns back towards the bathroom vanity, that sounds of water running signalling he was shaving.
I smile and rush to his dresser, going through the neatly stacked shirst and finding a v-neck t-shirt that matched his eye colour, hastily putting that on with a pair of plain black boy shorts and towel drying my hair before slipping under the covers.
Soon Tate came out and strode to the closet, his face nicely shaven. He came out with pajama pants slung over his hips loosely and shirtless, pulling me into his arms.
"Goodnight beautiful. " he whispers, kissing me gently.
"Goodnight." I whisper back, yawning as I snuggle closer to him, sleep taking over.
He chuckled at how fast I was falling asleep and I smiled, openig my eyes to see one last look of him before I went into dream land.
"I love you." His voice was quieter then a whisper but I heard those words clearly and they stayed with me as darkness sliped in and I fell asleep.

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