Chapter 22

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I sat there with tears forming in my eyes, my heart pounding happily.
"Laina?" Tate's voice wavered slightly, his happy face slowly loosing hope and I realized I had sat there a few minutes with out answering because his proposal has left me speachless.
Quickly I nodd my head yes, feeling my tears flow as I jumped into his arms, feeling him fall backwards and wrapping his arms around me.
"Yes, yes. Always a yes." I manage to say once my shock was over and I pulled back to kiss him long and passionately, the crowd cheering for us as we pull away panting, Tate placing a beautiful white gold ring with a hearshaped diamond on my dainty fingers.
"Lets go home then, my beautiful fiancée." He says happily, his eyes gleeming with tears as well as he kisses the top of my head, he takes the bags full of our treats and I take the stroller, walking side by side as we make our way to the jeep and packing everything up.
Tate srill had the keys so I let him drive, seeing that he was healing even faster then before and that he no longer winced and his limp was almost gone. I loved how strong he was and I was so happy that I had found him.
My thoughts drifted to the ring as I stared at it, the plans for our wedding already in motion as I smiled happily, playing with the band.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Tate muses, bringing me out of my thoughs as I turned to look at his smiling profile.
"Pennies don't exist in Canada anymore, remember." I laugh out, leaning my head on his shoulder.
"Okay, then when the new five dollar coin comes out I'll give you the first one I get." He chuckles and I smile at the thought of the wolf on the coin.
"Okay, but its going in a scrap book." I reply with, getting another one of those deep chuckles that made butterflies flutter in my stomach.
"Okay then. So what were you thinking about?" He asks, looking side ways at me.
"Plans for our wedding." I confess and his smile grows at my words.
"I know that even in a paper bag you will be the most beautiful girl that day." He says, taking my hand and kissing the ring.
I giggle and snuggle closer to him as he continues to drove, his hands back on the steering wheel while one of mine drew circles on his bicep.
Finally the car came to a stop and we get out, grabbing the groceries and Julia and heading inside.
Since our little girl was asleep I placed her into her bassinet in the kitchen, the late fall sunshine falling around her through the stained glass window giving our daughter an ethereal glow.
"I could stand here and watch her forever." I whisper as Tate wraps his arms around me and I lean into his touch.
"I could too." He whispers back kissing the top of my head, making my smile grow.
We decided on making lunch and eating in the kitchen, the tv showing reruns of Ghost Whisperer.
Wewere half way throught the third episode when Julia woke up, the little cherub demanding her dinner.
"I got her." Tate says, getting up and walking to the bassinet where he lifted our child up, swaying side to side as he soothed her.
I went and heated a bottle up, testig the liquid before passing it to my mate and watching him smile down at the bright eyed girl as she stared back up at him, her eyes the same colour as mine sparkling at her father.
"How about we watch the movie now." I suggest, grabbing bowls and plates, getting the snacks out and grabbing the bag of movies.
"Sounds like a plan." He says, letting me walk to the living room first where I arranged the snacks prettily on the coffee table before I slip the DVD into the DVD player and slip beside Tate on the couch, Julia sitting up in his arms as the opening credits came in.
"This movie is so basic." He grumbles and I shush him, my eyes taking in everything.
"I like kids movies and Disney films so shush." I warn, pouting playfully as I snuggle closer.
"Okay, okay." He says in surender as he wraps his arms around me.
I smile as I watch the colourful memories float by, my own heart wrenching when they turn sad as life changed. It reminded me slightly of how mine had changed drastically from loosing my parents, to becoming an illegal breeder, a mate worth loving and a mother. I stoped paying attention to the movie as I fell into my own thoughts, thinking about every last memory I made, all the pain I have been through, and all the happiness that found me.
"Baby? Babe? Baby girl?" I blink as I turn ti stare at Tate, blushing slightly as I realize that the movie had finished.
"Sorry." I mumble, smiling slightly at my mate.
"Its okay. So where did you go?" He says, detangling himself from me to put a sleeping Julia in her swing, setting it on a gentle speed.
"I was thinking about my life. Watching the movie made me realize how much shit I've been through to get to where I am today." I say quietly, scooting over so that Tate could sit back down, having him pull me close so that our legs were spread out on the couch, his slightly wraped around mine.
"Wanna talk about it?" He asks, one hand playing with my hair the other rubbing my back.
"I guess." I sigh out, taking a deep breath of his intoxicating scent.
"I never told you about my parents." I whisper, clutching his shirt.
"No, but I knew you would in the end." He says, kissing the top of my head.
"I was eight when they were murdered. My father was the beta at the time and a rougue pack attack us when we were celebrating his birthday. I was still to young and hadn't shifted yet so I was rushed into the panic room with the wolves who couldn't fight. When it was over they were gone." I shuddered as a few tears fell from my eyes and I burried my face into his chest, taking deep breaths to calm myself.
"I'm sorry baby." He whispers, kissing my head.
"So am I." I mumbled.
"I never got to say I was sorry to them. That morning I had faught with them about the dress I was wearing, wanting to be in jeans and a tank top so that I could play sports. But my dad argued saying that the daughter of a beta should be proper and look like a lady. I ended up saying I hated them and those were the last words I said." By now I was fully crying as I cluched Tate's shirt. No one knew the last moments me and my parents had was one I regreted.
"And you wish you could take it all back." His words were a statement and I look up to see his face full of understanding.
"Every day of my life." He nodds and hugs me tight as I sniffle, my tears now staining his shirt.
"The last time I saw my parents I said the same thing, even told them their plane would crash." He admits and I look up to see him watching me.
"They were on their way to make a treaty with a European pack and they were missing my first soccer game for my highschool time for it. They never missed anything when it came to Eeva but every time something important to me came up they were busy. I felt neglected and I grew to hate them, truth is I still do.
One day the beta came to our house, said the plane was shot down by an Asian pack and there were no survivors. I vowed that day that I would neber miss anything for my children." His eyes went cold as he talked about his parents, but softened at the end and I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him close for a kiss.
"I love you." I say when we pull away smiling, our foreheads against eachothers.
"And I love you too." He says, nuzzling our noses together.
The rest of the night we ate our snacks and talked about our past till we went to bed, had amazing sex, and fell asleep in each others arms.

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