Chapter 24

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I felt numb, like there was no conection between my mind and body. Nothing, no connect, no emotion. I was floating in a blissful sleep, or so I thought.
My body was numb, yes, but as I open my eyes I realized that it was tied to a bed that was all to familiar, my body naked and cushioned.
"Noooo." I groan out, my voice hoarse.
I was back in the cottage, the one I was sentenced as a breeder to, where the twins were forcefully conceived, where my life was a nightmare because of Sam.
The bed was still comfy like I remembered it, but it held so many horrible memories.
"Well, look who's up." I bristle as a voice I could never forget floats to my ear and I growl. I wanted to shifted, needed to shift to protect myself and I tried so hard to will my body to cooperate but nothing worked.
[Tate?] I reached out through the bond, trying to reach my mate.
[Please Tate]
"It wont work Laina." Sam's voice cuts through my attempt to link Tate, to get help.
"There is currently a low dose of wolfbain coursing through your veins." His voice was filled with humor as he came into my line of sight as I glare up at my former Alpha.
"I am a Luna, you have no right to treat me this way." My voice was authoritative as I looked into his eyes full of amusement, growling as I feel his fingers trail up my side.
"I can do anything I want to you, you're my breeder, my property." He says, his voice low and threatening as his head hovers above mine.
"I am a free person." I spat out, forcing my head to collide with his as I hear the satisfying crunch of bone, watching him pull back and curse, blood starting to trickle down from his nose. He glares at me, his hand balled into a fist as he raises it into the air and I brace myself for the impact.
"You little-"
"SAM!" He stops as another voice fills the room, turning to snarl at the newest arrival.
"If you want her to produce pups, she needs to be uninjured." I recognize the voice, but I couldn't figure out where, my mind racing as I try to match this voice to a face.
"Now go get Doc to look at that nose, we don't want it to heal crooked."
"Fine, but I get to punish her later uncle." Sam says and it hits me, the man was Ross, one of the elders.
"Fair enough, and when she gives you an heir I call dibbs on screwing her." His voice was triumphant and I growled, trying to move my body again only to be laughed at by the two men.
"Don't struggle Laina, I want this perfect little body under mine withering at my touch as I fück you in perfect consition." Sam says and I hear his footsteps retreat, the door closing and leaving me all alone.
I was trapped and I knew it, but I needed to get out, get to my family and to safety.
I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to open the mate bond and reach Tate, but nothing was there.
Tears finally formed in my eyes as I think about my mate and our little girl, feeling the ring on my left hand for comfort.
I was back in this mess as a hostage now, nothing more then a vessel to have pups.
I was loosing hope, my life now gone as I was back to square one.
The door open again and I will my tears to stop as a face comes into view and I stare at the man who helped ruined my life.
"Hello Laina, you look healthy." Doc says as he stares at my naked body, his hand resting on my abdomen.
"What do you want." I growl out, getting a chuckle from him.
"Nothing, just giving you a daily dose of wolfbain and the special serum." He replies with, bringing a needle into view and jabbing it into my arm as he injects the liquid into me.
"Now relax, you will be feeling good soon. I'll send Sam up in an hour when your body is at its horniest and you are willing to participate in making our Alpha healthy pups." With that he flicks his finger across my breast, but I feel nothing but disgust as he chuckles and gets up, walking towards the door and leaving me alone again.
I layed here on this bed, feeling the wolfbain make its way through my body, but nothing else.
There was no intense heat like the first time the doctor injected me, no pain because my body craved to be touch, nothing. I smirked. This could work to my advantage.
The door opened again and I knew that an hour had gone by as Sam's musk fills the room. He was horny and ready to take me by force this time.
"How do you feel?" His voice is husky as he tries to seduce me, moving in between my legs, rubbing his tip against my thigh. I don't answer him, my focus moving towards the door as it shuts, the doctor coming into view.
"Don't worry Laina, I am here to make sure he doesn't hurt you."
"How about you let me go instead!" I say harshly, gasping as I feel Sam push inside me, the pain coursing through my body.
"That shouldn't have hurt." Doc says puzzled, tanding up and stoping Sam as he looks into my eyes.
But being the egotistical man he is, Sam plows into me and I scream, the pain excruciating.
"SAMUEL STOP!" The doctor screeches, pulling Sam away from me.
"WHY DID YOU STOP ME, I WAITED A WEEK TO CLAIM THAT BODY!" Sam shouts, slapping the doctor across the face.
"Because she is mated and by you sexually touching her will kill her." The doctor reasons, the look of his face switching to a mask of shock.
"But you knew that already." He gasps out, walking backwards to stand between me and Sam.
"Who is her mate?" He demands, the door flinging open seconds later
"I am."

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