Bonus Chapter: Julia's First Day of School

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"Jules, time to get up." Mommy says and I snuggle deeper into my princess bed.
I didn't want to got to school.
I wanted to stay home with mommy, daddy and Damen.
"Come on princess, its time for you to get ready for school, you don't wanna be late now." My mommy coes at me and I turn, my brown eyes finding hers.
"I don't wanna go." I whine, my mommy giving me the 'Luna look.'
"Why don't you wanna go dear?" Daddy says as he comes and join me and mommy on my bed, setting me in his lap.
"Because I don't know anyone there." I whisper. Mommy and daddy were alpha and luna of the Bloodsvain pack and I was the princess of the pack.
Damen would be alpha when he was older and I didn't care because I would be his beta, mommy said so.
"Well you will make lots of new friends, Princess. It will take some time but you can do it." Daddy says and I nodd slowly.
"I still don't wanna." I mumble and turn my head into my daddy's chest trying to hide myself.
"Well why don't me and daddy take you, Chris and Jack will watch Damen so we can help you." Mommy says and I sit up.
"Okay." I whimper and get a kiss on the head from mommy.
Daddy leaves to get breakfast ready and mommy helped me into a frilly violet dress, white leggings and black flatts, my chestnut hair in its normal curly style with mommy putting a dark purple bow in my hair.
I looked pretty with my big eyes and cute clothes. My bag was a fluffy black bunny and it had my crayons and colouring book that mommy said I could bring.
"Pretty as always Julia." Mommy says, picking me up and carying me down to the kitchen. Daddy was feeding Damen and I smiled at my baby brother. I liked being a big sister, it made me feel important.
After breakfast was done, Chris and Jack came, giving me lots of hugs and kisses and a bag that I opened to find a wolf paw necklace ina silver jewelry box.
I giggled because everyone thinks that werewolves couldn't touch silver, but they can.
They wished me good luck at school and I pouted. I still didn't want to go, but soon we were outside my new school. Werewolf pups runni g to each other and I was left standing alone.
"Go make a friend." My mommy urges me gently, moving me forword.
"All of us mommies and daddies will be right there in the garden." Daddy says and I nodd reluctantly.
I watch as they walk away, feeling alone and wanting to cry.
Mommy and daddy didn't love me because they left me to go talk to grown ups.
I saw a corner and started walking there. I didn't want anyone to see me cry because and alpha doesn't cry.
"Are you okay?" I stop and turn to look at a girl, taking a deep breath and nodding.
"Y-yeah." I say and smile at her.
"O-okay." She says and nodds, looking at the ground and moving her toe in a circle.
"I'm Julia." I add, the girl looking up and smiling at me.
"I'm Nina." We both giggle start walking towards the kindergarten gate.
Mommy told me that this school was between three packs so all the werewolves came here and I was happy to have some one to talk to.
The teacher was nice and we spent the day playing in the kindergarten room or play ground, learning where the rooms were and what everyones name was.
At nap time me and Nina stayed beside each other giggling and telling each other secrets.
Soon it was time to go home and I rushed out with my new friend, bringing her to see my mommy and daddy.
"Mommy, daddy, this is Nina my new friend." I say excitedly, my friend waving.
"Hello Nina, I am Laina, and this is Tate." My mommy says, squatting down to shake Nina's hand.
"So thats where you went Nina Bear." Some one says behind us and my daddy smiles.
"Alpha Adam Quinn, long time no see." Daddy says, and he shakes the man's hand.
"You two, I see you have a mate now, sorry I couldn't come to the wedding, some rogues had kidnapped my little pup here and when I got back it was to late to come." The man says, ruffling Nina's hair.
"So you're an alpha pup like me?" I squeel excitedly and she nodds.
"Yeps, but I have a baby brother who is gunna take over, I don't wanna be an alpha of a pack, to much work." She says and I nodd.
A lady comes and wraps her arms around daddy's friend and they talk, walking with us to a park where Nina and I played until we had to go home.
"Bye Ni." I say, using her new nick name.
"Bye Li." Nina says and we hug. We couldn't wait for school tomorrow.


"Did you have a good day at school?" Mommy asks tucking me in.
"Yeps, can Nina come over to play tomorrow?" I ask, yawning.
"Well if her daddy and mommy says its okay then she can." Mommy says then kisses my head.
"Okay, night mommy."
"Night princess."

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