Chapter 23

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I shivered in the late fall air as I slowly opened my eye, the bed feeling colder then normal.
Worried, I turn around to face Tate's side of the bed only to notice him gone and, judging by how cold his side of the bed was, he's been gone a while.
Frowning I sat up, wrapping the blanket around my naked body, something white catching my eyes as it fell.
Picking it up it was a note and I smile as I opened it, Tate's hand writing scrawled along the paper telling me he had business to take care of and that Jack and Chris had Julia and I could have the day to myself.
I smile and kiss the note, placing it on the night stand by side of the bed before getting up for a quick shower and dressing in a warm outfit, a fluffy scarf and sweater keeping me warm as I head to the kitchen for a quick breakfast.
Deciding I would spend the day getting the house ready for halloween, I go to the front yard, opening up the garage and grabbing a rake.
I make swift work in raking all the fall leaves into a big pile, smiling as I find some fencing.
Quickly I fence in the leaves, taking a break to make a sign with some old wooden boards, paint and nails that read Leaf Jumping Pile, hammering it into the ground a few feet away from the fence. It would be fun to watch my nephews jump into the pile. Sighing, I turn towards the garden.
I always loved gardening, the rhythmic movements as I plant and I smiled at the challenge ahead of me because this one, my own garden, was a mess with weeds and dead plants. It would take most of the day to clean it up.
Finding a yard waste bag and some gloves I set to work on the garden, trimming the bushes and prepping them for winter.
I had my phone out on youtube, blaring music from my playlist as I hummed along. I was happy for this small bit of exercise since I had Julia, the relaxing rhythm of gardening making me smile.
The ringtone on my phone cuts short some new song and I sigh, taking my gloves off and picking the device and answering the caller.
"Laina here."
"Hey baby how is your day going?" I smile at Tate's voice and stand, stretching slightly.
"Its good, I'm decorating the house for Halloween." I say, sitting on the steps to the front porch.
I hear his chuckle on the other end and my smile widens as I play with my engagement ring.
"There are decorations in the basement and some in the shed behind the garage, we can get some more when I get home."
"That sounds like fun. We can get some costumes too."
"And what would my Baby girl want to be?" I blush at his words and think of Julia, him and myself, an idea forming.
"Why dont we dress up as a King and Queen and dress Julia as a princess?" I suggest, hearing another chuckle.
"Okay but we are not getting cheep walmart costumes. I have an idea of what we are going to get." He states.
We talk for a few more minutes about dinner plans, how the pack business was going.
His break was almost over and we hung up. The garden was almost cleaned up and I quickly finished my Task from before hand before I hauled the waist bag to the curb for garbage pick up and went in search for the decorations.
It was another hour before I had each box in the garage, a total of ten, rummaging through the contents of box and organizing the decorations. There were a lot of grave yard decorarions and I had an idea as I set to work, finding metal fencing and enclosing an area on the hugae yeard.
The head stones were made of actually stone, a name and date of fictional characters from books and movies on them. They were light enought to lift but heavy enought that the wind wouldn't blow them over and I smiled, making a pathway that zigzaged through my make shift cemetary. It was starting to look creepy and I couldn't help but giggle as the path led to the front door where I had placed mechanical coffin that was triggured by motion sensor and woupd pop open with a zombie inside. It was solar powered and I left it in a spot where the sun could hit it at any time of the day and charged the decoration. I took the other ones out, setting the lights of orange and black, also solar powered, on the entrance to the cemetary,  some fake cob webs on the grave stones and  porch.
The house was screaming halloween and I found some caution tape, weaving it around the fence that surounded the leaf pile and leaned a latter against the wall.
Taking a step back I take a picture of the house, posting it on instagram and smiled at the like count as I looked at my house, happy that it was almost ready for halloween.
I started walking towards the porch, my mind thinking about what I would make for dinner when strong hands wrap around me and a cloth was pressed to my nose and mouth.
I clawed at the hand holding rhe cloth, holding my breath so that I didnt breath in the substance, but I couldn't hold ot much longer.
[TATE HEL-] I started mind linking my mate but everything soon went dark as I took a deep breath for my burning lungs and I felt my body go slack against the attacker, my arms falling to my side and tears forming in my eues as I got one last look at the place I call home.
"Good girl." My attacker whispers, caressing my hair and supporting my limp frame.
The last thing I felt was his lips on my temple as my consciousness slipped away.

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