Chapter 10

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Pain thats what I felt as I woke up grasping my sides, my voice filled with agony.

"TATE!" I cried out, feeling the bed move as he sits up, his eyes glowing.

"Whats wrong baby?"

"I...I don't know." I cry out, tears streaming down my face as I doubled over in pain. I see a light and notice that Tate has his phone out.

"Doc have a bed ready at the hospital now." He orders, ending the call and lifting me up.

"Fück." He curses and looks at the spot I had just been in and I see what he saw, blood. Before I knew it I was rushed out of the house and into his car, glad he staped me in before speeding down the road like a mad man.

"Hang on Laina." He pleads as I scream with pain again. Finally the car comes to a stop and I am lifted into his arms and placed on a wheel chair.

"Lets get her to an ultra sound." A man says and I am wheeled away.

"Alpha you need to stay calm and listen to what my team says." The man says as he and Tate rush behind the person wheeling my chair. I cry out again and I could smell blood as the chair came to a stop and I was placed on a bed. Quickly the team got to work on me and the immages of my babies appeared on a screen.

"She is gunna have to go in for emergency surgery if we want to save their lives." The man states grimly.
Everything else was a blur as an i.v. was shuved into my arm and the medicine worked its way making me drowsy.

"Baby I'll be here when you wake up." Tate whispers into my ear and kisses my forhead gently. Finally the darkness sets in and I felt no more pain.



That sound was annoying and I growled at it.


There it goes again and I sigh. It wasn't going to end unless some one turned it off.


Groaning I opened my eyes, looking up at a ceiling in a dimly lit room.


It was a heart beat monitor and I glared at it.

"How are you feeling beautiful?" I turn my head to see a tired looking Tate, his hand clutching mine.

"Numb, not as bloated. Why do I feel normal again?" His face drops and I turn to move my head but he stops me.

"Before you look, listen to me." He takes a deep breath and looks at me with sad eyes.

"The doctor tried to do everything he could. Only one of them made it." My eyes widen and tears flowed down my face as I felt my heart breaking.

I lost one.

My babies and I lost one.

"Ssshh its gunna be okay." Tate said holding me tight as I cried.

"W-What h-happened!" I hiccuped out through my cries.

"The umbilical cord chocked her to death, her sister tried to help. Its why you bled so much." I couldn't help but feel pride for the sisterly love the two had but I cried knowing they would never grow up together. Some where in the room another tiny wail sounded and I stoped, slowly straightening out and wincing from the pain as Tate got up, picking a bundle up from a basket in the corner and bringing a tiny, wailing baby towards me.

"Shhh, mommy is hurting too. Don't worry little one." He says bouncing back and forth as he soothed the baby.

"Is she?"

"Yes, your- I mean our little girl." He smiles and leans down, passing me the baby and kissing my head.
I smiled at her, swiping tears away as I held her close.

"Hi sweety." I whisper hoarsly. Her crying died down and I smiled sadly.

"Hello Alpha I- oh Luna you're awake." A nurse said as she came in with a bottle.

"I was going to come feed the little princess but would you like to?" She asked and held the bottle out to me.

"I was going to breast feed." I state confused and the nurse smiled sadly at me.

"The drugs we had to use on you are harmful to the baby, you can't breast feed, I'm sorry." I nodd sadly and sigh, taking the bottle and holding it to my little girl's face,  smiling when she opens her mouth and turns to feed.

"You're a natural!" The nurse states and I smiled.

"I used to baby sit when I was little and I learned a lot about how to take care of a baby."

"Thats good, anyways the doctor will come and talk to you in the morning so both of you get some rest. Good night Alpha, Luna." The nurse leaves and the baby finish's eating before Tate takes her, changers her diaper, and puts her in the baby basket, wheeling it closer to the bed and near me.

He snuggled in beside me and I smiled, my body drained of energy as I fall asleep again.

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