Chapter 18

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"I am fine!" Tate sighs as I fluff his pillow.
"No you're not so stop complainig and let me pamper you." I argue back and he grumbles.
Its been three days since Tate woke up and the only time I had left his side was to use the washroom and take Julia out side for fresh air.
Eeva was watching our little girl, and I was grateful for some alone time with my mate.
"If you want to pamper me, there is a great way." He says, grabbing onto my waist and pulling me ontop of him, wincing slightly.
"Come cuddle, I missed feeling you against me." His voice is husky and tingles run down my spine as I nod, laying my head down between his shoulder and neck.
His hands slowly moved from my back, under my shirt and ran up and down my sides, the little pleasurable tingles continued down my spine and I smiled, moving my head to kiss his neck gently.
"I love you Laina." He whispers, turning his head to kiss my forehead.
"I love you too Tate." I whisper back, moving my head and connecting our lips together.
His hands stop moving, pulling me closer and mine snake up his chest and around his neck, bringing his head closer to mine as our kiss depens, him turning us carefully so that I was underneath him, his body moving against mine and causing me to moan, my lips parting and his tongue diving in, exploring my mouth.
Another moan escapes my lips and I flick my tongue across his, gaining a feral moan from him.
slowly we pull apart, panting from the kiss. His eyes were dark and filled with lust and I had a feeling my eyes matched his as he leans his forehead on mine and takes a deep breath.
"God you're so beautiful." He groans out before claiming my mouth in another passionate kiss, one arm supporting him above me while his free hand explores under my shirt, my own hands feeling every muscle, every scar and ever movement of his body. I wanted him. I wanted him above me, below me and inside me. I wanted to completely mate with him.
The kiss ends prematurely as the door opens, causing both of us to growl and glare at the intruder.
"Hey, this is a room for patients. If you wanna make love take Tate home." Rex says, holding his hands up in surender.
"Wait, I can go home?" Tate asks, his body still above mine.
"Yes, just take it easy and no rough sex." He says before a nurse came in, working fast to take the I.V. and other medical equipment off of him before we were left alone in the room.
"Now where were we." He says, his voice husky as he leans his head towards mine.
"How about we go home first, go for a relaxing bath-"
"And continue where we left off." He finishes my sentence and kisses me quickly with a smile, slowly sitting up and wincing slightly.
I smile and move, standing infront of him.
"I'm driving." I say, and he frowns at me.
"No, I am." He says and I shake my head and take the keys to the jeep from my pocket.
"You are in no shape to drive so I will, no arguments." I retort with, watching him slowly stand and try to take the keys from me, growling when I jump back out of his reach.
"Fine." He pouts and I smile, steping close to him and kissing his cheek before we leave the room and take the elevator down to the first floor.
We pass a few pack members as we make our way to the car, each of them saying how happy they are that their Alpha was getting better.
Finally we get into the comfy warm Jeep, Tate sighing as he relaxes against the leather.
I smile at him before shifting the car into drive and heading home with my mate.

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