Chapter 2 - Positive Thinking? Where Can I Buy That?,

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           Here I am at the corner of my room trying to move on with my life as tears keep on falling down my eyes and they’re bottomless like I don’t know why. Suddenly my two bestest friends, Avan Jogia and Ariana Grande entered my room without knock. Wait. I thought I’ve locked that! Maybe Mom has given them the key.

                There goes Ariana with her sweet pink dress designed was white polka dots.. Too much girliness? I don’t think so. I think it’s cute when paired with her braided hair. And there goes Avan with his hanging shirt and the usual pale pants. Doesn’t he looks more of a hanger? Just Kidding.

“Taylor.” Ariana approached  me and sat beside me

“Hey there Tays” I don’t know whether Avan is just like that but deep inside, I know he’s concern.

“Oh, Hi Ari and Avan.” I smiled weakly. I brushed the tears off my eyes with my wrists but Avan hurriedly brought out his hanky and brushed the tears itself. How sweet is Avan? And that is why I’m so blessed that He has gave me two best friends who is always there for me no matter what.

“I thought you were at Switzerland by now Avan, What happened?” I asked Avan because last week, he told us, Me and Ari, that he and his family will visit their relatives who settled at Switzerland.

“Our flight got cancelled so the moment when Ariana texted me about what your going through, I went here as fast as I can.” He smiled. Avan……..

Uh-oh here comes Ariana... “Look, I know It’s hard for you, What you’ve been going through so that’s why we are here to cheer you up!” Ariana’s enthusiasm never fails to put a smile on my face :)

And she started to dance... in a peculiar yet funny way. Suddenly she grabbed Avan and forced him to dance with her which looks more of a crossbeed of a chicken dance and a galloping kangaroo? Whchever comes first. Then again, they never failed to make me laugh.


“See, now your smiling. Now let’s go to the circus nearby. I heard this time, It’s gonna be the biggest of em all!”

“Ari, The circus only opens at night.” Avan explained

“But yesterday I went to it on an early afternoon!”

“Ari.....Don’t tell me you climbed to the fence AGAIN?” Uh.... oh.... Don’t tell me she did that again.


Ariana suddenly sent me a message while I was lying on my bed listening to some music and it goes like this


-Ariana XOXOX”

Ariana even put kisses at the end on an emergency like this? Quickly, I sprang out of my bed and told Mom I’m gonna..... help a friend!

"Mom, I need to go somewhere, Can I please go? It's an emergency"

"Where are you going sweetheart?" Mom asked thoughtfully

"Uhm.. I'm....Going to... help a friend! Yes, going to help a friend!"

"Okayy, Just remember to not stay out late! I'm preparing something special for dinner!"

I hurriedly went out of my house and tried to text Avan but when suddenly a car beeped infront of me while I was walking down a pavemebt and I knew who he is.

" Come Inside. Quick!" So I did what I was told

“You got Ari’s Message?.”   

“Yes" I nod in agreement 

“And she even put kisses anda single heart in it, didn’t she?

“Yes. And who’s this blue uniformed man? Don’t tell me It’s the cops.. Tel me it’s only a Physician!”

“Phyiscian never or seldomly wears a blue uniform so the odds are on the first one you mentioned earlier.” Avan do have a point.

“Ugh. Just...  Drive faster!”

“Okay okay!”

After a few minutes, we arrived at the newly formed circus which will formally open later at night. I saw two blue uniformed men.. or cops... right beside Ariana and she looked terrified and she is biting her fingernails again so the moment Avan hit the brakes, I opened the door of his car and went straight to Ariana.

“Ariana what happened? Oh My God I’m very sorry for what has happened, chief”’

“ Well.. she just tried to enter a circus by going over the fence and she started to reason out like. “My Father is in there” and “I saw Santa Claus just filled his sack full of chubby penguins.” I guess they really don’t know Ariana like WE do. And Avan rushed to our side and started apologizing.

“I’ am the one who asks for your consideration because.... she can be hyper at some times... So things like that usually happens”

Ariana suddenly blurted out and started to reason out. “I did saw Santa Claus in there I swear! I just wanted to help the penguins because they looked like they needed help and I was there! It’s true!!”

But it all turns out that the “Santa Claus” is just a fat stall keeper who happens to wear a fluffy red coat,  in the circus who is moving his prizes for his game, the penguins, and to move it to another stall.

“Oh.. I see..” Ariana seems to be relieved. I don't think about that she can move on through her case or that the Santa Claus was only just a stall keeper who is kidnapping plush penguins, not real ones.

“The “Santa Claus” part was now resolved, so about your dad? How will you explained that?” And Ariana started to get teary eyed and she suddenly hugged Avan and Avan comforted her. I whisphered to the cop’s ears and told him about his dad and the circus. The cop nodded and he let us go so he and his back up went to their police mobile and drove away.

“Ari, promise us you won’t repeat this again?” I asked Ariana to make promise.

“I promise....” Ariana promised with teary and puppy dog eyes that could melt even a heart of stone with just one glimpse at her eyes.

“Come on, let’s drive her home”

“Please don’t tell anyone about this, not even my Mom.. or your Moms. Promise?” Ariana please stop speaking like that with your eyes like that! She is the cutest thing you’ve ever seen! 

And so me and Avan decided to just go with it

“We Promise”

“You really. REALLY promise?”

“We really REALLY promise.” And we just laughed our way back home.


“Well, I forced myself to resist but.... the unicorns are just so adorable and I can’t help!” Luckily, none caught her so we, me and Avan, are the ones who are more scared when we will visit the circus later evening. What if one of the circus members recognize  her? Ugh putting my fingers crossed for this one,

" So you did broke into the circus again?" Aan asked as if we doesn't already know the answer.

“NO!!...... Well... It’s hard to overcome it when I see those cute and fluffy unicorns hanging by the stall and they were like begging me to free them and they were like ‘Ariana help us!’ and so I did what I thought was right.”Ariana suddenly bites her fingernails since she always do this when she’s afraid or troubled.


Author: about Ariana's Dad and the circus? You'll gonna find that out to the succeeding chapters! Thank you for reading!

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