Chapter 7- Summer Break Ends *Sigh*

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A somewhat trailer for the TaylorSquared Part :D

YEAH! ENJOY! – Author


I’m very thankful that He had given me two bestest friend and a very supportive mother. Without them, I don’t even know what would happen to me.

I laid on my bed and popped the headphones on and listened to some Jennifer Lopez when my mother shouted downstairs.

“Taylor! You know that after a few days, classes will start again. Maybe you’d like to  do something?” Her voice went straight to my ears. Her voice must’ve been heard a many many miles away but I pretended that I didn’t hear it.

“You can hear me, can’t you” She added

“No Mom. I can’t hear you”

“Gotcha! Can’t hear aye?” She came bursting through the door. UGH Taylor. You got fooled again.

“Oh, I came here to say that Dinner’s ready too” She added

“Okay” I said while taking my headphones off.

And so I went to the dining room and after supper, I washed the dishes and prepared for the night.

As I was trying to sleep..

I decided to listen to some music first on my speaker and put it on low since my mom has probably dozed off by now. I put my Itouch on shuffle  and suddenly....

Once Upon a time..

A few mistakes ago..

I was in your sight..

You got me along..

You found me....

Knew You Were Trouble  by Allison Swift was played..

I suddenly feel uplifted...

Motivated by this song...

I really feel like moving on!

Then suddenly, my mother shouted from her room

“Taylor, Stop stomping!” She exclaimed. I realized that I was really stomping on the floor making unpleasant noises. I’m so weird

Suddenly, my phone rang and it went vibrating at my study table while playing Pretty Girl Rock

Ariana Grande Calling

Why is she calling in the middle of the night? But i entertained her call...

“Hey Tayss!” She said in her usual enthusiastic tone

“Hey Ari, Why’d you called?”

“Have you heard the news? A new student will be going to our school? I heard he’s a guy!! A new Batch mate!” I don’t have time for this.

“Is that so? Well then, Eager to see him soon” I replied even though I don’t plan to.  

“Good Night Tays! Sorry for bothering you” She greeted me

“Good Night too” I hung her up. Why is she so eager whenever a new student will be schooling at Nashville Academy?

I listened to some music to make me feel sleepy.

I put the songs on shuffle

The next played was...

Thanks For The Memories..

I immediately unplugged the headphones and decided to call it a night with my blanket on covered all over me since I like it that way.



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