Chapter 5 - Mom's WOW (Words Of Wisdom)

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Two weeks till summer break end and school starts ....


..... again.......

Sigh... Man I couldn’t stop sighing. 

I got up and fixed my bed and prepared for the day ahead. While I was combing my hair infront of the mirror, someone knocked on the door... Wait... THEY knocked? That’s new.

“Come in” I sat back to my bed. But I was shocked, it’s not my friends. It’s my mom and she’s carrying breakfast in bed?

“Good Morning Sweetheart” She said to me with a sweet smile. She put the breakfast on the study table on the right side of my bed because the table on the left side is full of things. Come to think of it. My room actually looks more of a cacophony of  garbage, a disaster, for short, a mess! My study table is the only clean place  because I don’t feel like studying during summer breaks.

“Well. How’s Life?” What kind of question is that? Why is she asking me... WAIT A MINUTE... I think I know where we’re going to.

“Fine... Actually” I give a smile

“I know It’s hard on what you’re going throughnow , But always remember, Every wound heals. Yes, it sometimes may leave marks or scars. But always remember that it was left there for a reason.......” She suddenly pointed at my heart and gave a slight smile looking pleased.

“And it’s up to you to know what the reason is. Go eat your breakfast sweetheart” She added and she kissed me in my forehead. There she goes with her words of wisdom. If You Know What I Mean. But I appreciate it, It only means that she is concerned about me. That she loves me.

I gave her a hug as she was walking out my room

“Thanks Mom” I whispered to her and suddenly tears started to trickle again on my face. She faced me and wiped the tears away with her caress fingers and brushed my blonde hair back to my ear and said

“Ohh sweetie. You don’t have to cry that I brought you breakfast in bed” We both smiled. That is one of the million reasons why I’m thankful that she’s my mom, Her Humor.

“Oh Mom” I replied as she hugged me back and left my room. Before she left the room, she gave me another sweet and angelic smile. I brushed the remaining tears on my face and ate the breakfast she prepared for me and all I can is..... I MUST BE IN HEAVEN!

After I ate, I brought my breakfast downstairs and left it at the sink .

“Your friends, Avan and Ariana, was here a while ago and said that meet them at the mall at 2’oclock but before you hang out with them, finish you chores first.” Mom said to me  and so I did to my chores, I washed the plates and tidied things up. It’s amazing though that I can clean the whole house but when it comes to my room, it contradicts. After I did my chores and ate my lunch, I looked at my watch,

“It’s only 12:45 PM, I should clean my room also before I go to the mall” I said to myself and came springing to my room tidied things up. Man My room is really a mess. I wonder what would happen If i live on flats and what would my flatmate react on how messy I am. And so tidied my room.

After a few moments, I looked at my newly cleaned room. My room is actually spacious come to think of other unnecessary items gone. I smiled and looked at my watch.

IT'S 2:30 already??

“DAMN I”M LATE! Gonna Go Mom!” I rushed out of my room and shouted to my mom because I don’t have the time to find her. Why didn’t she reminded me? Ugh. Avan and Ari are gonna be mad at me.

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