Chapter 3
"Pssttt Martha Martha Pssst Martha behind youu" someone whispered behind me. I turned around and saw Bobby Daniels from my fourth period. Ugh, what could he possibly want?
"Yes Bobby?" I whipered back clearly irritated. He could tell by my glaring that I was not in the mood to talk after getting my first detention, which means I'll be late for dance class. He looked at me nervously and whispered, "It's a note from Dominic." I stared at him blankly because I couldn't believe Dominic Perez wrote me a note. I knew I was popular, but Dominic was the star baseball player and a JUNIOR. That is a whole year older than me. Oh my gosh! It was probably a note for Sally and since I'm her best friend just wanted me to give it to her. I opened the note and read
Hey Martha! I heard about what happened earlier today and just wanted to say Bummer. I have detention too so we will be seeing eachother :) After detention maybe want to grab a bite to eat at McDonalds or something?
~Dominic ;)
OH MY GOSH! THE NOTE REALLY WAS FOR ME! I didn't know what to respond back to him, but I grabbed my hello kitty pen and wrote so fast my hand started cramping.
Hi Dominic ^-^ I would love to grab a bite to eat with you. Cool that you got detetion too. Well not cool but you know what I mean lol We get to hang out. So how did you get detention?
Ugh! I reread what I wrote and I sounded so stupid. I can't erase now because what if he was staring at me? I quickly turn around and give the note back to Bobby and he sheepishly gives it to Dominic. I could barely hear Mr. Randall teaching matrices over my beating heart. It was beating so hard I thought everyone could hear it.
"So class when two matrices are being added, what do you do?" asked Mr. Randall, pacing in front of the class. I was not in the mood to get the answer wrong so I just scribbled down some notes from the board. Lee Iwasaki, raised his hand as always and I rolled my eyes. Will he never not know the answer?
"Mr. Iwasaki, do you know the answer?" asked Mr. Randall knowingly. Bethany, or Beth as she liked to be called whispered under her breath "Please, when does he not know the answer? Man I will cut you if you don't stop picking him and pick someone else for a change." Everyone laughed quietly.
Lee stammered, "Umm you add the numbers in one box and then add the numbers in the other box and then the sum is the answer?" Wow, for once Lee was wrong. Maybe he made up a stupid answer because of what Beth said, but everyone gasped. Mr. Randall even looked shocked. Mr. Randall shook his head and said "No, that is not what you do. I'll call on someone else. You Beth? Do you know how to add matrices?"
Beth laughed and said proudly, "How do you not know how to add matrices," she continued, "You add the pairs of entries and then simplify for the answer." She got up and walked to the board to do a demonstration and said "Like this Mr. Randall." She wrote:
Mr. Randall smiled and said "Well done Ms. Cole. Now you may have a seat." She walked back to her seat and waved at me. Beth and I weren't close friends, but we hung out every now and then. Beth used to be really fat in middle school and was teased everyday. Unlike the other kids, I stook up for her when they bullied her and they eventually left her alone because they realized she was with me. Ever since then, we have hung out a few times and even eaten lunch together. Freshman year, Beth came to school with an all new look. No more "Bethany the hippo" now she was "Beth the hottie". Her and Sally didn't really get along so it was hard to get in touch with her. Luckily, we always had math together so that was when we would catch up since our names were so close together.
All of a sudden, I heard the same "Pssttt Martha" sound again and got all nervous inside. It must've been another note from Dominic. I turn around and grab the note from Bobby. I opened it up and read
Awesome ;) Can't wait. I got detention for letting my friend copy my homework. Sux rite? It was just a couple of answers. People think cuz I play a sport, I'm not smart. I really am tho. Well Mr. Randall's lookin over here so Im gonna stop writin and just pass it to Bobby to give it to u. See u later ;)
~Dominic (=
OH MY GOSH! Dominic is so adorable. He is pretty smart though. We usually get around the same grades, when I pass back the tests from the teacher. Too bad I couldn't use that line from Mean Girls "I don't get it. Can you help me?" I started to write a note to him, but by the time i got a sheet of paper out of my messenger bag, the bell had rung. Good thing I see him after school in detention. I never thought I would say this but, "I can't wait until detention."
There's Another Choice
Teen FictionMartha, a healthy 15 year old sophmore, has her whole life ahead of her. She's popular and has friends. What more could she want? Then one day her best friend Sally tells her she looks a little pudgy and needs to lose weight to stay popular. Martha...