Note? The End?

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Hey guys, it's Carly and today I am the bearer of bad news... After almost two years... 😁

I have decided that I am going to mark this (and my other) book as completed because I have had no desire in the past 2 years to continue writing them and I honestly do not believe I will in the future. It's not that I don't like to write anymore, it's just I'm so busy with school and I have a job now and I'll have college next year so it's a crazy time in my life and the desire to keep up with these two has vanished.

I loved writing these books and I can't believe the amount of people that have commented and liked them and the amount of messages I have gotten asking when I'll update and such so I just thought I'd make a general announcement telling everyone. I really don't want to end it but I'd rather just leave it open to your imaginations as to what Carl and Hailey got up to and how their story goes.

I had a few ideas for what happened to them after I finished writing and some unanswered questions and these are it:

-first things first: Hailey was not pregnant. I didn't think it was wise to make a 14 year old pregnant and looking back on it, I'm kinda upset with myself for making them do "it" but I also understand where I was coming from. They grew up in this shitty world and they grew up fast. They've seen the people they love die right in front of their eyes. They could literally die at any second so if you know you love someone, go ahead. *and no, this is not me saying "well if you're 12 and you "love" someone, go right ahead"... No... Stay smart my children!*
-Also, it's up to you whether or not they grow up together and have a life together. Maybe for some they grow old happily with two kids and a nice house (still in the apocalypse) and for others, they both died from some sort of thing in each others arms and their last words were "Forever and Always". {And if it is, I freaking love you because I honestly want both hahahaha!}
- when Daryl found out about Hailey and Carl "doing the do" he was going to start yelling at Carl and Rick was going to hold him back and pull him aside and talk him down. I really wish I had something written out for it so I could show you guys but in my head he was yelling and cursing at Carl but after a while just stared him down once in a blue moon hahaha!
-as for Hailey's group: I was thinking about this a little bit lately and how I kinda just left it and never said anything about them. Well, the entire group died sadly except for Gabe. They never actually made it out of the prison but since Gabe was in a cell block and the walkers couldn't get to him, he was alive and he somehow found a way out. I was actually planning on making him come back later on and having Carl kill him finally. I actually just got the idea for it, I probably would have had him as a Wolf when they attacked Alexandria and Carl would have shot him and then kinda did the whole dramatic multiple head stabbing to make sure he was dead. ... Damn, that's actually a pretty good idea hahaha ugh I miss thinking these things up!!
-for the future (random moments):
****may contain spoilers for recent events****
    -Hailey and Carl don't die (at least as far as the show is up to which is season 6, episode 13) and they should be I think 16ish now. Hailey sees Carl getting shot in the eye and has a moment with him while he is recovering. Enid is not in the picture hahaha (well she is and she flirts with Carl and Hailey is like nah biatch, back off my man and they don't like eachother obviously. Maybe a fight or two occur because of the whole flirting thing but nothing major, Carl loves Hailey and always will. Forever and Always.) *THE FEELS UGH* anywhooooo... Hailey is in love with the whole Richonne thing (AND SO AM I :) ) Hailey and Carl also feel as though Daryl has a crush on Carol and they often try everything in their power so make them blush and pretty much embarrass the shit out of Daryl... (This is my true feelings, I want them to be together forever... CARYL FOR LIFE!!!) 

Okay well anything else is up to your imagination and how you think Hailey and the others would react to the situation!! I would love to hear your ideas on how they would react to certain events so be sure to comment them down below!!! Also, any other questions or concerns you wish to know? Please comment them and I will reply and let you know what I had planned or how I think they would react!!

Again, thank you all for this experience and just the thoughtfulness and enthusiasm in general that you guys showed me! I love you all!!! *hugs the life out of all of you* Goodbye you precious, beautiful human beings!!! *wipes tears away*


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