Chapter 99 - Pretty Personal

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**Adult content...Sorta**

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- Carly


I sat in the kitchen as the boys were sitting against the couch. They were talking about what had happened while Rick was out. I stood up and made my way over to them and sat next to Carl. Rick glanced over and smiled lightly. "Well, it's good that you found more food." Rick said and I looked over at Carl. "I found even more, but I ate it." Carl said and I smiled. "What was it?" Rick asked. "112 ounces of pudding." Carl said and I held back my laugh. Carl snickered and I couldn't hold it back anymore.

I started to get up and I kissed Carls cheek. "I love you." I heard him say and I glanced back. I walked back over and kissed him again. "I love you too Carl." I said and I walked away. I heard Rick laugh slightly and I looked over. He was looking at me and smiling. I smiled back and went back into the kitchen.

I poured myself a bowl of cereal. "I know, we'll never get things back to the way they used to be. I only clung to that for you. For Judith. Now she's... gone, and you. Your a man, Carl. Your a man. I'm sorry." Rick said and I smiled and held in my chuckle. Yes. He is a man now. Defiantly now, after yesterday. I shook the thought and paid attention to their conversation again. "You don't need to be." Carl said and they watched each other for a while.

I poured more cereal for the two of them and brought the bowls out to them. They thanked me and we am started eating. I leaned against Carl slightly as he finished up and I saw Rick was watching us. I smiled again and he smiled and took a sip of his water.

There was a slight knock at the door and we all looked towards it. Carl held his hand out and I handed him my gun because he was out of ammo. I hid behind the couch with my knife out and Rick checked the peephole. I watched as he started laughing and fell down onto the couch. I looked at Carl confused and he met my glance. "What?" Carl asked for the both of us and Rick smiled as us. "It's for you two."

Who the hell could it be. Maybe it was ... no, he was dead. It's not possible. They're all dead. There is no point in hoping. Rick and I pulled the couch back away from the door and Carl looked through the peephole. He didn't say anything as he pulled back and held his hand on the door knob. He twisted it and pulled it open to reveal a person I never thought id see again.


My mouth fell and Carl tackled her in a hug. I couldn't move. I stood up and Michonne looked over. I started to cry and I ran over and hugged her. She held me close as I cried and I swear, I felt a few drops on my head.

If she's alive than maybe we don't get to give up hope. Maybe some people are still alive. Maybe he is. I started to hope too hard and I started crying again. Carl walked over and held me close. Michonne smiled as she watched us.

I couldn't control my emotions so Carl pulled me upstairs for some privacy. He pulled me into the bedroom we were in yesterday and pulled back slightly to look at me. "Hails? What's the matter?" He asked and I shook my head. "I don't know." I said and I started crying more. Carls eyebrows knitted together and he pulled me close. "What if he is still alive?" I whispered and he pulled back. "What do you mean? I thought you saw him go down?" He asked and I nodded. "I did but I thought we lost Michonne too. What if I didn't see it right?" I said and Carl looked at me with concern. "Then we'll find him. If he's out there, don't loose hope. He's defiantly looking for you even if he doesn't know if your alive." Carl said and I smiled slightly. Carl pushed the hair from my face and we walked back downstairs.

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