Same Love

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They've all moved backstage at this point but the show is still clearly broadcast from about a dozen huge screens littered throughout the area. Everyone who's anyone is here tonight but as usual Perrie and Jade are way too immersed in each other to even notice. And yeah, maybe by now the hype from seeing all these other celebrities in one place has dwindled anyway so no one blames them.

It's been a good night so far, no one is complaining, they've just won a KCA and BRITS 2017 award that they can add to the rapidly growing pile of other awards they've acquired over their careers. And such a large pile it is, but Perrie thinks she's most thankful for what she won in the beginning, before all the tours and award shows and obsessive fame. Back in the days when they had to compete for their lives, and Jade was all she ever needed. She's still all she ever needs she thinks, she knows.

Jade keeps turning in Perrie's direction and just giving off the biggest eye crinkling smiles, the ones she knows Perrie loves so much. It was a good week off that they shared together. No pretending to be someone they aren't, no having to worry about if she's too close to Jade for people's liking, and no having to act like Jadr isn't the single most important thing she's ever had the privilege of calling her own. Just them, together, wrapped up in the others embrace whilst sweet words of missed moments and love were whispered through kisses. So many kisses.

She smiles back just as wholeheartedly, baring her dimples the way she knows makes Jade melt. Giving this girl all her love with no words like they've grown so good at being able to do. They can communicate so well together, conduct entire conversations with just their eyes. She hates not being near her, not being able to touch her, or even sit next to her at events like tonight.

So she takes advantage while she has the moments like these, backstage hidden away from the hundreds of cameras. She knows they still aren't entirely free from wandering eyes here but their are far less and she's not too concerned.

She reluctantly looks away from her beaming girlfriend and up at the screen they had been using to watch the show still going on, now without them to get reaction shots from every two seconds like she knows the camera men always do. The large room is quieter now than it was before and she finds that relaxing taking into account some of the excuses for performances they had been forced to sit through. She's pretty much just been trying to get through the whole thing.

She sees a stage lined with American flags and a sweet melody starts to flow through the speakers that he immediately recognizes and a knowing smile dawns across her lips. The flags are lifted to show Macklemore and his band all standing on a small stage and Perrie waits for the words she knows will come.

Jade is standing still now, watching the tv screen just like Perrie and as the talented rapper on stage begins to emotionally recite the lyrics into the microphone Perrie instinctively moves closer to her, crowding up behind Jade's back so it's flushed with her chest. Jade startles a tad at the forwardness of Perrie's actions, they are in a very public place after all, backstage or not. But she doesn't fight it one bit, just leans into the hold as Perrie wraps his arms around her waist and they listen to the words of equality and human rights and everything they want being spewed on the stage currently being performed on.

Perrie rests his chin on Jade's shoulder squeezing her tight, not giving a single fuck if anyone is watching them. She just lets this sweet moment overtake her and she's so happy just having her girl in her arms for this little while.

She feels Jade run her fingers over the top of her left wrist and Perrie knows she's tracing the words that are etched there I Can't Change just as the words are sung through the whole arena and tv screen simultaneously.

Her heart swells at the gesture because she just loves this girl so much and she knows Jade loves her back just as much and anything and everything they have to put up with is bearable as long as they still have each other.

She holds Jade tight to her chest, and rests her face in the crook of Jade's neck, placing a kiss under her ear and feels a shiver run through Jade's spine. Knows then she's definitely feeling it too, this powerful moment. They're doing it again, communicating without words, they're saying 'I love you, I love you so much' and no one else ever has to know as long as they know.

They hold each other tight as the lyrics play out, just being together, just loving while they can before someone may come and tell them to separate. Perrie doesn't think about that though, just thinks about the beautiful person currently residing in her arms and her heart and listens to the soft words being sung.

"Love is patient, Love is kind, Love is patient, Love is kind, I can't change"

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