I know I dont know you (but I'd like to)

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Story: http://archiveofourown.org/works/1246624

sorry for not updating for a long time, i just went to the philippines to watch the girls' concert there and i just got home here in london soz

The first time Jade sees Perrie is on June fourth and it's the day she opened her very own bookshop. Jesy and Leigh were helping her unpack boxes and boxes of books, stacking them on the shelves and making sure everything was put in it's correct places. It had taken months of planning and years of saving, but she had finally gotten everything ready to begin her own business.

She's unloading the last box from the truck when she looks across the street and into a bakery window, seeing a young girl, perhaps around her age, handing a small boy a blue frosted cupcake with the most gorgeous smile Jade has ever laid eyes on. She accidentally bumps into Jesy because of her staring and she quickly apologizes and rushes inside to put down the box and think of an excuse to walk across the street and talk to the girl in the bakery.

She could ask Leigh and Jesy to go over with her, offer to buy them something as a thank you for helping move the books in and for Leigh offering to work there for her. Yeah, that'd sound legit. Jesy wouldn't suspect a thing and if Jesy agrees Leigh will agree and it'll all work out fine. Her and the mystery bakery girl will get along great, fall in love, get married, have a few kids and live happily ever after. She's got it all planned out, really. A nice, fairytale ending.

Except Jesy peeks her head in the door and ruins that fantasic plan. "Jade, Leigh and I are gonna head out." Jesy says, leaving Jade's idea of suggesting all three of them going over in the dust. She smiles and waves bye to Jesy, leaning against the register counter and thinking up more ways to talk to the bakery girl across the way. Who needed them anyways, she could go by herself. She was a big girl, she didn't need her friends to go to a bakery.

She tells herself to finish putting away the last of the book, then she can just reward herself with s She omething from the bakery and maybe talk to the girl there, too. It was a simple plan, simple enough that she shouldn't mess it up and possibly make an idiot out of herself.

Jade spends about an hour or two stacking books and checking to make sure they're in the right order. By time she finishes, it's around noon and she's not even sure if the cute bakery girl is still there, but she goes anyways because she's worked hard and something sweet didn't sound like such a bad reward.

Except as soon as she's locking up and ready to go across the street, she sees the bakery girl in the window again talking to a brunette girl and her nerves strike, causing her to turn the other direction and walk down the street to her flat instead.

She spends everyday after that one admiring the bakery girl from afar, babbling to Jesy about how nice her hair looked with that gray hat she wore that week, or ranting off to Leigh-Anne on how Jade would describe her in a book if she ever decided to write one. She doesn't think she will, but bakery girl deserves an entire novel written about the dimples she gets whenever she smiles.

Jade doesn't want to think of herself as obsessed, no. She likes to use the word infatuated. That's a much better word and she's seen it in almost every romance novel she's read so she thinks she'll keep that word around. Especially since Jesy likes to tease her about being a stalker and Jade is not stalking the girl in the bakery. She doesn't even know her name, therefore, it's not stalking and Jesy can politely fuck off.

"Are you going to talk to her?" Leigh asks, waving her hand in Jade's face and snapping Jade out of her trance. It's not completely her fault. Bakery girl had decided to let her hair loose today and Jade has never seen such beautiful hair on a person before. It only proves her point that this bakery girl was sent down from the heaves to destroy Jade's life one cheeky smile at a time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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