A Million Little Stars

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Story: http://writingcamren.tumblr.com/post/111216283379/a-sad-one-shot-based-on-small-bump-by-ed-sheeran


“Maybe she’ll have my eyes,” Jade giggles with her mouth on the swell of Perrie’s stomach. Her hot breath tickles Perrie’s skin and she can swear the baby is laughing with her.

Perrie reaches down to touch Jade’s hair. “You aren’t the father,” she reminds her girlfriend lightly.

“Doesn’t matter. My endless love will provide genes, and she’ll be a combination of the two of us.” Jade rolls over on to her back, her head still next to Perrie’s enlarged stomach.

Oh, how Perrie wills that to be true. There is nothing more that Perrie wants. If the baby could come out with Jade’s radiant smile and cute little nose, Perrie would be the happiest mother on the planet.

But unfortunately that is not the way biology works, and Perrie isn’t naive enough to believe that the baby won’t have some trace of him. It hurts, but she has grown used to pushing down the pain of the memories. After all, she has Jade. Jade, Perrie, and baby.

“How are you in there, Iris?” Jade coos.

Perrie sighs. “How many times do I have to tell you? We aren’t naming the baby until she’s born.”

“I like Iris,” Jade pouts, running a finger absently over Perrie’s smooth skin.

“We aren’t naming her Iris, yet.” Perrie murmurs. She is quickly falling into the soft hug of sleep.

“I’ll go and let you sleep.”

Perrie is already slumbering, and she dreams of a baby girl named Iris.


“Jade, I have something to tell you.”

Jade remembers how shaky Perrie’s voice was at that moment. The blue eyed beauty had her sight trained to the ground when one lone tear fell to the ground, and that was when Jade knew there was something seriously wrong. A panic ripped at Jade’s heart.

“Before we were dating…I slept with Louis…”

Was the world crashing around her? Jade could swear she felt the gravity of the earth shift under her toes.

“I’m pregnant,” Perrie gasped between sobs.

Jade could do nothing else except wrap her trembling arms around Perrie’s heaving shoulders.

It turned out that the world wasn’t collapsing at all. The only thing that was folding was how Jade perceived her life. Because the world would continue turning even if human life no longer existed, that would never change. But Jade’s world would never be the same after that moment.


“Look, babe, that’s her!” Jade points excitedly to the screen, where an outline of a baby flickers. Perrie covers Jade’s hands with her own.

“We’ve had an ultrasound done before,” Perrie tells her. The other girl’s excitement is contagious and she feels a grin spreading across her features in spite of herself.

“Is it okay if I speak with you off the record for a moment, Miss Edwards?” The doctor rolls over to where Perrie is lying. “Should I go ahead, or would you like your friend to leave?”

“She’s my girlfriend, and she stays,” Perrie says somewhat sharply.

The doctor nods, completely unfazed by the harsh tone. “You’re quite young, Perrie. I was just wondering what your plans were when the baby comes. You have options, you know. There’s always adoption. I just want you to know that this baby doesn’t have to be the end of everything, if you don’t want it to be.” The lady lets her hand fall on Perrie’s arm. As if by instinct, Jade’s grip on Perrie’s hand tightens. “I’ve seen situations much worse than this one, and they all turn out okay. You just have to let me help.”

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