Late Night Caller

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Thanks for payneful_chonce for helping me pick hehe

The line flashes, a blinking light indicating a new call, and Jade clicks over and repeats the same words she's said over a hundred times before.

"Hey, babe, I'm so happy you called me." Her voice drips with seduction, all sexy and suggestive.

The line on the other end remains quiet, just heavy breathing sounding into the receiver. Jade frowns; it's going to be another one of those.

"You there, baby?" She casually prompts, trying to ease the conversation along. Jade does a lot of talking on the phone and she hates silences.

There's a shuffling heard from the other end, and a moment later in a small, almost cautious voice, says, "Hey…"

Jade's interest is captured immediately at that, and she amends her earlier thought. Whoever it is she's talking to isn't what Jade imagines as a fat and freaky creepy son of a bitch, but a confused youth likely trying to figure out their sexuality by calling in to the adult hotline that Jade works at.

"Hey, babe," Jade says again, trying for calming, as if to not scare her caller away.

"Perrie," the caller says, and Jade startles.

"I'm sorry?"

"Perrie," the caller repeats. "My name's Perrie. Please, call me that."

Jade frowns; there's meant to be a level of anonymity between callers and whoever they connect with, and generally Jade respects that by using generic terms of endearments to her callers. But Perrie is obviously uncomfortable with this whole thing, so Jade's willing to bend the rules until Perrie chickens out and ends the call.

"Alright then, Perrie," Jade says, letting Perrie's name roll from her tongue in a flirtful manner. "What do you wanna do?"

"Uhm," Perrie says, pausing. "What do you guys normally do?"

"Whatever you want us to, babe," Jade replies easily, a frequent question.

"Please stop calling me that," Perrie whispers, sounding a bit ill. Jade tries to resist the urge to roll her eyes, but then when she remembers that Perrie can't see her, she does it anyway.

"My apoligies, Perrie. What can I do for you?"

"Uhm, I don't know," Perrie admits.

"It's okay, Perrie, take your time; we've got all night," Jade promises, which is a lie, mostly. They've got as long as Perrie wants, up to four hours, but Jade is good at what she does, so all night really isn't that far from the truth if you look at it in a warped enough viewpoint.

Perrie accepts Jade's advice and mulls it over for a moment, then blurts out a rushed, "So what are you wearing?"

This time, Jade has to resist the urge to snort a laugh. She can imagine Perrie, despite not having any idea how she looks, all flushed red from asking such a simple question, as if Jade isn't asked that by every caller she receives.

"I'm just in my underwear," Jade says softly, not feeling guilty for lying. She's fully clothed, dressed as casual as anyone her age, leaning back in her chair with her feet resting on her desk as she talks to Liam.

It takes a moment, but when Perrie finally manages to gather enough courage, she asks, "Lingerie or panties?" The question leaves Jade wondering what all kinks Perrie has, and if her preference of lingerie or panties is one of her fetishes.

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