•~|Swings (Sans x Reader)|~•

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(Since I'm bored af... well here ya go! :3)

(Sorry for this one really short I got lazy with it!  DX)

It was a nice day outside today. You thought as you were swinging on your well made swing. You were questioned by a lot of people why you have a swing when you were like seventeen. You always replied with "Bet you forgot how to swing." Gets them really pissed off and you always laughed it off. You were lost in thought until an all too familiar voice was heard behind you. "Hey kid. What cha up to?" You turn around to see the one skeleton you have a super mega crush on. You slightly blush at the sight of him. "Oh, hi Sans!" You answered back with a cute and cheerful tone. He chuckles. The smile he always had looked different on his face today. That's weird...

He sat on the swing next to you. Funny story is that you actually built that swing just for Sans. You literally put your heart and soul into that swing. Totally worth all of those rough hours of making it. You and Sans talked like you usually would and suddenly ended up having fun cracking up bad puns and jokes. You let yourself get too carried away and you said "Knock Knock!" Sans answered,"Whose there?" "Olive." You replied. Sans having no idea where this was going said, "Olive who?" "Olive you!"  You said. Then you realized that you just confessed to Sans right then and there. You blushed a bright red. You glanced at Sans' face. He was blushing a light blue and was staring at you. He then cupped your cheek and gave you a soft, gentle skele kiss that basically melted your soul. Slowly you kiss back. After a few seconds that lasted hours to you, he broke the kiss and chuckled. "Olive you too."


*Extended ending*

You basically tackled Sans into a hug that brought both of you to the ground. You both started laughing then went back into another soul-melting kiss. This was going to be the start of a bright future and you knew it.


[ Oh gOd this is new for me oh dear I had to read that. Oh dear oh boy here we go. THE REMAKE GUYS, GALS AND NON-BINARY PAL!!! ]

Today was a beautiful day. The sky was crystal clear and was the prettiest shades of light blue. You gently kicked your leg forward in order to gain momentum to move back and forth on the swing. Swinging has always been one of your favorite things to do in your free time. It's especially great when it's on days like these.
Swinging was the perfect thing to do when your mind was full. The swing was your safe space. You were so lost in thought that you could barely hear the footsteps coming from behind. You snapped out of your thoughts completely when you felt cold, bony hands ruffle your hair. You let out a squeak of alarm and turned to see your best friend, Sans.
He's well....a skeleton that is a monster which came out from the underground about...a year ago I think. One day you ran into him and the two of you became instant best friends. You two were so close that you guys could literally finish each other's sentences.
You put on a pouty face. "Sans! Don't touch the hair!" You jokingly complained followed by a laugh. Sans chuckled at your silly nature and took the swing next to you, not bothering to even actually swing. That swing was built just for the sole purpose that he could swing with you. Honestly, you really enjoy his company, he's always great to have around. And being truthful here, you kinda really like the short skeleton. He's spooky looking, but is a total softy. He lets out a sigh, the small talk now begins. "Honestly you are too old to be swinging." He says. You glare playfully at him. "Hey! Same goes for you! I'm just a few years younger than you!" You retorted. He let out a small laugh, "I guess so..." he said. I smile and we continued to talk.
The normal talk didn't last long as the puns and jokes started taking over what the two of you were saying. "Hey, Hey Hey! Sans!" You say. He looks at you, his permanent smile wider than usual. "Yeah?"
"Knock, Knock!"
"Who's there?"
"Olive who?"
You took a deep breath for encouragement for what you were about to say.
"O-O...Olive y-you" You mutter, face flushed a dark red. He stared at you with a blank expression before soon becoming as flustered as you were, his face becoming blue.
There was an awkward silence.
Shakily, he grabbed your hand and held onto it. ".....Olive you too....." He said quietly. You started giggling and then tackled him into a hug.
Today was a beautiful and an amazing day....

[ FIRST ONE DOWN!!! Only like 18 more to go. Welp I hope you all enjoyed that! I will have the format for the remakes like this: Old to New. Don't know what's going on? Read the newest A/N! ]

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