Underfresh!Sans x Reader: [Insert Good title]

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[ I've been roleplaying as fresh and practicing his...... language.... and I think I am ready for this! Here we go! ]

* Junior high *

The lockers rattled as you were slammed against them. They had you pinned, unable to escape. They have been bullying you for the past few weeks..... or maybe months ....... you lost count. He popped his knuckles, "Ready for another go pipsqueak?" He said mockingly. Oh you were also very short for your age. You squirmed, trying to get out but ended up with it being useless. He was about to punch you in the face until.... "yo yo bros what cooking up in this kitchen?" You hear someone say. You turn your head to the direction of the voice and saw a skeleton in a multi colored jacket who had sunglasses on that said YOLO. The guy got angry. "Who the hell are you?!" He yelled at the skeleton. "Well broseph I would say it is radical meeting ya here but that would be a bluff huh?" The skeleton said. The bully got pissed. "Shut up or I'll hurt you!" He said. The skeleton laughed. He took off his glasses to reveal his scary eyes and at the bully straight in the eyes. "If you lay one finger on me or her then I will hunt you down and force you into fiery pits of hell." He said in a dark evil tone. The bully was a shaking and sweating mess. The bully ran screaming down the hall getting him in trouble. You look at the skeleton who had his glasses on again. "Um... thanks for helping me back there.... anyway what's your name." You asked him. "The names Underfresh Sans bro. But all the radical bros call me Fresh." He said. "Well um hi Fresh, my name is (Y/n)." You say.

"Yo, that is a very radical name there home slice." Fresh said. You laughed. "Heh thanks. Not to mention your name is pretty cool too." You say. Fresh had a little purple dusted on his cheeks as if he were blushing. "Hehe... Well ..... radical (Y/n), do ya wanna go hang out after school like the freshtacular bros we are?" He asked. You giggled at the way he talked. "Yeah sure bread slice. See you later." With that you walked away.

~ Timeskip because no one likes school work ~

The bell rang.

You grabbed your things and walked out of the classroom. You sigh in relief. Math is soooo boring. You thought. When you walked outside, you started to search for Fresh. You found him and walked over to him. "Wuddup radical (Y/n)." Fresh greets you. You love the way he talks, it's so goofy. "Nothing much, so where are we going?" You asked Fresh. "Hey homie how 'bout we go get some freshtacular ice cream?" Fresh asked you. Your eyes widened with joy. You bounced up and down. "Yes! Yay!" You said acting like a 3 year old. Fresh just chuckled at your reaction.

* High school *

The final bell rang and you left the classroom carrying your items. You walk outside and see Fresh waiting for you. You walk over to him. "Hiya Fresh." You greeted happily. "Wiggidy Wiggidy Wuddup radical (Y/n)." Fresh greeted you back. You laughed a little. "So wanna go get some super duper fresh ice cream." He asked. You smiled at him. "Yeah sure!"

~ At the ice cream shop not that far away ~

You two sat at a table eating your ice cream. You weren't bothered by his tongue anymore. When you two first got some ice cream he showed his tongue and it just grossed you out. But now it's like....... meh...... magic is very incredible in many ways. As you two ate your ice cream, the man behind the counter, who saw you two first walk in years ago, was smiling at you two. You finished your ice cream soon after Fresh did. "Do you wanna go to the radical fresh park?" Fresh asked. You thought about it. "Hmmmmm...... yeah sure! I have a some time left for that." Fresh smiled. "Kay radical (Y/n)." He said. You two got up and walked to the door. Fresh grabbed your hand making you blush. You glanced at him and saw purple dusted all over his face. You and Fresh intertwined your fingers as you walked out making the man behind the counter fanboy internally.

You two made it to the park with your hands still joined together. You and Fresh sit on a bench. You chatted for a while then it became awkward silence. Fresh broke it though. "Hey um..... (Y/n).... there's something I've been needing to tell ya." He said not in the funky way he talks. You looked at him. You knew this must be important. "So.... uh...... I don't know if you do feel the same way but YOLO. I really think you're the most beautiful girl in the world and you always make my day every time I see you. I.... love you (Y/n)..." Fresh said blushing a lot. You were blushing too. You leaned in and kissed him on the forehead. He looked confused. You smiled. "I love you too Fresh." You say. He smiled. "Well if you love me back them I guess I can do something radical, like this." He said and placed his teeth on your lips as a kiss. You went stiff in surprise and soon melted into it. The kiss ended and Fresh asked, "Does this mean I'm your radical verte-bae?" You laughed. "Yes."

[ .... I'm going to admit it this was fun to make actually XD I love this one.... but it is probably filled with a BUNCH of mistakes >~< God it's so late I really need to get some sleep... Well TOODLES!~ ]

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