Underfell Sans x Reader: Hope

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"Hey... (Y/n)... I hope you didn't get upset while I wasn't here." You heard someone named Sans say. You hate being like this. You are in coma after a terrible car accident. People say that, but you knew that you were hit on purpose. You are like a ghost. No one can see you, hear you, or feel you. You can see your own body lying in the hospital bed. You can see your friend, Sans.

"(Y/n)... You've been like this for quite a while now. Can you please wake up? I don't think I can last any longer without you. You are so positive and cheerful... You make me so.... happy. I miss you beside me. I miss your smile. I miss everything about you so so much..." Thick red tears started to pour down his face. You could feel your heart break. You tried to wake up so many times but now your determination is fading. "Please....... just..... wake..up.." Sans choked out through sobs. You had never seen him like this before. "I know.... You can do it..... " 

As Sans left the room, you sat on the floor and held your knees to your chest. You felt tears prick at your eyes. He still believes that you can wake up. He has HOPE. You are filled with hope and determination.

You try once more to wake up. You reach your ghost like hand to your body. You felt something strange. Then, there was black.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

You slowly open your eyes but get blinded by the bright white light. You started to blink your eyes. You felt like you've been asleep for ages! Then you started to remember- "Sans?!"  You yelled while you jerked up from the bed. Pain flared through your body. You heard a bunch a footsteps then SLAM! The door flew open to reveal the one and only, Sans. "(Y/n)?!" Sans said in surprise. Tears fell from your eyes. Sans ran over to you and hugged you tightly (but not too tightly). You hugged him back. 

"Sans... I love you so much..."

"...... I .... love you too..."

[Sorry if this was too ooc for some of y'all! D: This is my first Underfell Sans x Reader so pls go easy on me! DX so uh this is sort of based off of a beautiful and wonderful game that I beaten called Deemo! Just play it! Okay!? Also this was shorter than I wanted it to be. The weather is really bad here so I'm in a rush. Well that's all. TOODLES~ ]

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