Gaster!Sans x Reader

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(Gaster!sans will be called G throughout this one shot book! It's easier for me. Btw I really sorry this was late! I'm working on this other one and... I'm not sure if it will fit in a little one shot like this... Anyways... enjoy!)

You went out for a little walk in the woods to escape your parents. They always fought and yelled at each other. Your own home doesn't even feel like home anymore. You were so distracted in your own thoughts that you bumped into something.... or someone. You fell butt first on the ground with a little squeak of surprise. "Wha- Oh, heheh... sorry bout that. You okay?" Said the person you ran into. His voice sent shivers up your spine. You looked up to him to see that he was a skeleton with cracks going down his skull, and a black jacket fluff outlined hood. He was also wearing some black jeans. You were surprised by his looks but went along with it. "I'm fine." You replied back. He held out his hand to help you up which you gladly accepted. Once you were on your two feet you realized the major height difference between you and him. He was tall compared to your small size. "So what's a pretty little lady like you doing out in these woods?" He asked. You definitely are not telling this... stranger why the real reason you were out here. You made up a quick excuse. "I came here to get some fresh air. Being trapped inside a house all day can be a pain." He knew you were lying but he went along with it. "Heh. No joke, huh?" 

"My name is Gaster!Sans. But you can just call me G. And you are?" He said. "Umm... My name is (y/n)." G smirked. "(Y/n), huh? That's a pretty name." G muttered the last part. You blushed a little bit. G took out a pack of cigarettes. He lighted one of the cigarettes and started smoking. You were REALLY confused. Why was he smoking if he had no lungs. You were going to ask but saw the time on your watch/phone. You needed to get home. "Well, uh it was nice meeting you G. Bye." You said and started to walk off. "Hey, (y/n). Can you... come back tomorrow?" This made you stop and turn to look at G. You thought about it before you answered, "Sure, why not? I don't have anything planned tomorrow anyway." G smiled a little wider "Thanks." He then turned his back to you walking away. "Well, see ya later (Y/n)." You waved back with a little smile on your face. After the blink of your eye, he was gone.

~VERY VERY long timeskip 2 years ahead~

You and G were sitting on a giant log talking to each other about how things going and other things. It still surprises you that on that only one day two years ago had made you become so close to G. So close that you developed a small crush on him- no wait, scratch that. You had a very big time crush on him. Sadly, you knew that he would NEVER love you back like the way you do. You knew he just saw you a (extremely) close friend. But then a thought came to your mind. What if he DOES like me? You hadn't realized that you didn't answer G back until he said, "Hey, (Y/n). You ok?" You blushed only the slightest hint of red of embarrassment. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine." You replied back. G looked at you with disbelief. He knew you were hiding something from him. "(Y/n), please don't lie to me." He said getting a little closer to you. You blushed really red knowing what you were lying about. "U-um....... well..... I....."He inched closer to you, wanting to hear what you have to say. "Well.... what?" Your blush increased to a darker shade of red if possible. You took a deep breath in. Here it goes. "IreallylikeyoualotandI'vebeendyingtoknowifyou'dbe my........boy....friend.." You said the first part really quickly and mumbled the last part. You looked down at the ground really embarrassed not wanting to look at him.


"(Y/n)." He said in a low tone.

Suddenly you felt bony hands grab your chin and making you to look at him in the eyes(?) His face was covered with a yellow blush. His golden and yellow eye seemed to hypnotize you. Time felt like it froze right then and there. He collided his teeth with your lips. Your eyes widened and you tensed up. You kissed back and melted into the kiss. G found his hands around your waist and back while you wrapped your arms around his neck. The two of you had to break the kiss because of the terrible cursed oxygen you had to breathe. You probably looked like a tomato by what just happened. He smirked at your and looked deep into your (e/c) orbs. "You know.... I've been wanting to do that for so long now."  You said. He smiled gently at you. "You have no idea how long I've loved you."

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