Chapter 11 : Puzzle Pieces

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Skyler's POV :

  The wind blows as we head back, "So.. Did you enjoy the beach?" Sehun asks. "Yeah! It was so nice today." I answer. Sehun smiles as we arrive home. I unlock the door to see no one at all, not even D.O. Sehun and I walk up the stairs, every one is together helping Lay dance. I clap, "Good job Lay!" I say while winking. "Thanks Sky!" he says with a smile. We remove his cast to see his arm fully recovered, "Our healing unicorn has recovered!" says Baekhyun. We laugh, "Let's go for dinner to celebrate! My treat!" Suho says. "Yay!" we cheer. We begin to head to the car, "Oh crap! I forgot my jacket, be right back." I say. As I turn around, Chen wraps his coat around me, "Take mine, I won't be cold." he says with a smile. "O-Oh thanks Chen!" I say. We get into the car and head to eat.

  "We're here!" Xiumin announces as everyone leaves the car. I can't believe how special I am to EXO.. "Skyler! You comin'?" Lay asks. "O-Oh wha? Yeah I'm coming!" I answer. We walk inside of a fancy expensive restaurant, Suho must be rich. We sit down and start to order, "Hanwoo beef!" Chanyeol says in surprise. "Sushi!" Xiumin says. "Wonton noodles!" Lay says. "I want everything!" Baekhyun announces. We all laugh and order as much food as we want, "Lay, are you able to hold the spoon and fork?" I ask. Lay looks down at the spoon, "I don't know, it's been half a week." he answers. "I'll feed you then!" I say. Lay smiles and nods his head, I scoot beside him. As the food arrives everyone is drooling just for one taste. I take a piece of beef and feed it to Lay, "Say Ahh~" I say. "Ahh~" Lay says. He looks so cute like an unicorn. "Mmm! Delicious!" he says while smiling. "More?" I say with a smile. Lay nods his head, as we finish up the meal, "Waiter! Bill!" Suho says. Suho swipes his credit card, I look at the price of the meal, "$302.480?!" I say. "Don't worry about it!" Suho says with a smile. I find myself nodding at his handsome smile.

   They drop me off at home, "Thanks guys! See you at school!" I say while waving. They wave back at me with gummy smiles. "I'm home guys!" I shout loud enough for the whole house to hear. "Oh hi sweetie! Did you eat yet?" my Mom says while coming down the stairs. I nod my head, "Is there something going on?" I say with a raised eyebrow. She shakes her head trying not to get caught, "Mom. Spit. It. Out." I say with a taunting voice. She shakes her head, "Cody might freak out if I do!" she whispers. I sigh, "Text me what's going on." I command. I make my way to my bedroom, beep! I look at my phone, a text from Mom. It says : "Hun, your Dad and Cody think EXO has a crush on you." I shut my phone and bury my face into the pillow until I hear the door open. "Sis?" Cody says. "What." I answer. "Do you like EXO?" he asks. "None of your freaking business, now get out before I rip your head off." I demand. Cody runs out the door, I get up to shut the door, I head to sleep. I have exams tomorrow, crap.

  I wake up to the 'sweet' sound of my alarm clock,  I throw it on the ground causing it to stop. I groan and roll out of bed. So much drama happened, I think I need a break from EXO. I look at myself in the mirror, I put on makeup so I look like another girl in my class. Gosh, I suck at makeup I look the same. I wipe it all off, I put on a trench coat with a white hoodie and jeans with converse. "I'm leaving." I announce while shutting the door before a word is heard. I look for EXO, they're down the street laughing, I put on my hoodie and walk the other direction. As I turn to where EXO was, my hand was pulled in the other direction, I gasp in surprise, who is it? I pull my hand back forcing the person to let go, I run at full speed, I hear loud footsteps behind me, I don't dare to look back. I run and run, the footsteps are louder, "Skyler! STOP!" I hear.. I look back, a truck comes driving towards me, EXO.. I need you.. Suddenly I get pulled back, someone ran and blocked me from getting hurt. I'm speechless, I turn to look at that person, it's Kai. I quickly pull away, "T-Thank you.." I stutter while looking down. "Are you okay? Why are you avoiding me? What happened?" he asks with such tone I resist telling him. I run pass him towards the school but he grabs me before I get away, "L-Let go!" I shriek. "Are you scared of me?" he asks with a sad soft voice. I look up at him, "N-No it's just.." I say. "Hey guys!" Chanyeol shouts. I look at Chanyeol, he's bright and playful as ever..? I pull myself away from Kai, "I-I'll see you later." I mumble while I speed walk away. 

Kai's POV :

  What happened to her? Last night she was happy to see us, now she's running from me. I need to figure out why my angel is like this.

Skyler's POV :

  I start running into the school, I'm early. I open my locker and straighten my clothes, "Hey." I hear. That voice is familiar.. EXO? I shut my locker and walk away, I hear footsteps following me, my heart thumps. Who's behind me? I reach the door to the courtyard, I hide behind a tree sitting down. "Where'd she go?" a voice says. "I don't know." another says. "We gotta find her no matter what." another says. "We'll kidnap her if we HAVE to." a boy says. I'm trembling, that sounds like what Kai would say. I tie my shoes just in case, "Wait.. Over there!" a voice says. I gasp, and hope it's not here. I hear loud footsteps, "Here!" a voice says beside me. I don't look up, I get up and run inside, I sprint so fast I lose control. I bump into Xiumin, Chen, Baekhyun and Suho, "Ah!" I shriek. I get up to see half of EXO on my right, and the other half on my left. I gulp, they have serious faces on. I'm trembling as they walk closer to me, "Why are you running?" Chen asks. "Why are avoiding us?" Sehun asks. "She won't answer. Just do it." Kai says with a sigh. Do.. What?

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