Chapter 12 : Forgiveness

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Skyler's POV :

  I'm scared, are they ganging up on me? I walk backwards until I reach a door, I grab onto the doorknob. It's locked, EXO walks closer, I try to look for an escape. There's a open door ahead, I try to sprint towards to door, EXO chases me, I run out onto the field. "STOP!" I hear. I keep running, I'm scared, why am I scared? It's EXO. The best kpop boy band ever, when I thought of that, I stopped. If I like them, why do I hide? "I-I'm s-so s-sorry." I mumble. Kai carries me, "Wh-Wha! Get me off!" I demand. "We're capturing you until you tell us why you're avoiding us." he says. I try to get off, Kai's too strong for me. "Stop moving Skyler." he says. "Ngh-- Get me off!" I say. "Here, let me carry her." Xiumin says with a charming voice. I take the chance to escape, but Xiumin catches me in time, dammit. He smirks, "Don't run my little angel." he says with a soft voice. I kick into the air until we all arrive at their place, what's happening? Xiumin places me onto the couch, EXO is sitting in front of me, they're staring at me. "Wh-What?" I mumble. "Why are you avoiding us?" they all say. I gain the courage to say something. "R-Rumors..?" I answer. "We'll let you go, but don't ever run from us please." Kai says. I nod and smile, "I promise." They all have gummy smiles, I'm trapped with EXO, my heart is beating so fast. We return to school.

  "Skyler! Where have you been?" Karen asks. "EXO." I answer. "I expected more information but alright, let's get to english." she says. We get to class, we sit at our seats. I hear footsteps, I look back, EXO has arrived like flower boys. I look back, Karen's staring at Chen with a smile on her face. Chen waves at me, Karen waves at him. I pity her.. "I'm assigning you guys in groups today so listen up." the Teacher says. "Kai, Chen and Skyler. Group 1." he says. I space out after I hear that, "Skyler! Go!" Karen says. "O-Oh wha? Okay." I mumble. I sit with Kai and Chen, we start making a poster on healthcare. There's complete silence, I speak up, "We could have a catchy slogan at the top?" I suggest. Kai and Chen looks at me for a second, they nod. "Mm okay." Chen says. I need to say something, "Can.. We just forget what happened this morning?" I ask with a soft voice. Kai lightens up, "Sure." he says. We start to chat freely and joke around, we finish our poster. "Hm. Good. Return to your seats." the Teacher says. I study for my math exam, Kai pulls a chair and sits beside me. "Whatcha doin'?" he asks with puppy eyes. God he's so cute! "S-Studying." I say. Kai takes my book, "Hey! Gimme that!" I say. "Not without a kiss on the cheek." he says. I sigh, "Promise~?" I say. Kai nods, I give him a peck when the teacher isn't looking. Kai smiles and returns to his desk, I start to study again until the lunch bell rings.

  I sit down in the cafeteria with Karen, "So, did you study for the exam?" she asks. "Yeah. I'm ready for it!" I answer. EXO sits at our table, "Hey Chen~~" Karen says. "Hey guys!" I say. Karen and I start to eat, EXO is just looking at me with gummy smiles. "Aren't you guys gonna eat?" I ask. They start to munch on their lunch, I laugh. I start to study after I finished my meal, I sigh. "I can't remember all of this!" I say. "Hm. And you said you were ready!" Karen says. Baekhyun takes my book and reads it, "This is easy to memorize!" he says. Baekhyun explains to me a trick for memorizing these questions. "Thanks Baekie!" I say. He smiles and finishes his meal, "Looks like you like him.." Karen whispers. I slap her lightly, "Hell noo~" I say. "Skyler, come I wanna give you something." Chanyeol says with a smile. He leads me outside, "I meant to give you this earlier but.. Here." he says while giving me a white box. I open it to find an EXO bracelet with our names, "Whoa~ Thanks Channie!" I say with a smile. I wear the bracelet, "It looks beautiful!" I say. "I'm glad!" Chanyeol says. I give him a peck on the cheek, and smile. Chanyeol is surprised, but he smiles in joy. "I haven't been more happy in my whole life than right now." he says. I blush, am I falling for him?

  The bell rings, I'm off to Math. I take my seat and start my exam, as I finish up, a note falls on my desk. I read it : "I like you, Skyler." Who could've wrote this? It looks like one of EXO's handwriting, I look around. Everyone is working, I hand in my exam. I study the handwriting, who could it be? I decide to write a note : "Can I stay over tonight? ~Skyler" and threw it to Kai. He reads it, he smiling and nodding, I smile back. I could compare this note with anything that has their writing on it! I gotta think of a plan so I won't get caught.. I sigh, I wait and wait until school is finally finished. "Kai! Wait up!" I call. "Hey Skyler!" he says. "So how'd you do on the exam?" I ask. "I think I aced it!" he says with a grin. I smile, "So, are you still tutoring me?" I ask. "Forever and ever." he answers. We giggle, Kai unlocks the door. D.O is already cooking dinner, "Hey D.O!" I say. "There's my princess! C'mere, I want you to try something for me!" he says. I walk over to him, he feeds me a spoonful of kimchi broth. "Hmm, it needs a bit more salt!" I suggest. D.O nods, "Actually, could you write me a recipe? Pretty please~" I ask. "Okay anything for you angel." he says with a smile. Aww~ I'm an angel! I go upstairs with Kai, we set down our bags. I take a note from his desk and hide it in my pocket, I set up my homework. I reach for a pencil, Kai reaches for it at the same time, our hands touch. Kai holds onto my hand, he places my hand on his chest, I feel his heart beating like crazy. "Kai.." I say with a soft voice. EXO stole my heart again.

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