Chapter 18 : A Trip To Paradise

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  We're dancing in front of Parkville students, we're giving it our all just for Skyler. She's smiling and cheering as we dance.

Skyler's POV :

  My birthday can't get any better than this, right? I mean EXO is preforming at MY school. I'm fangirling so hard right now~ I hand them water after their preformance, "Good job guys!" I say. "Thanks, Skyler!" they say. "Who wants to tell her?" Lay asks. Tell me what? What's going on? "We're taking you to Paris!" Kai says. I always wanted to go there! "Really?! Omigosh! Yay!" I say while freaking out like a little girl. "We comfirmed it with your parents so.. Let's go!" Baekhyun says. "Wait.. Now?! Right now?!" I ask. "We've got a private jet parked at the airport, Suho's richer than you think." he says. "Lets go then!" I say in excitement. We arrive at the airport, today would be in a fairytale, but I'm actually going on a private jet, to Paris! We aboard the jet, "Wow! It's so much better than first-class in an airplane!" I say. "Yup." Suho says. We're greeted by the flight attendants, "Would you like anything to eat or drink?" she asks. "Ah, no. It's okay, thank you." I answer. After a few hours, we arrive in France.

  We get off the jet, once I step out, I see a pool of girls and boys screaming "EXO!! I LOVE YOU!! AHH!! OMG!!" I sigh as bodygaurds push people back for EXO to pass. I put on a mask and begin to walk down the stairs. Sehun takes my suitcase, "I can do it, Seh-" I say. "I insist I do it." he says with an angelic voice. Even after a year, I fall for them all over again. We drive to a restaurant, "Whoa! I see the Eiffel Tower over there!" I say. "Wow! I see it too!" Baekhyun says. We make our way inside a private dining room. "There's so many foods to choose from!" I say. "Take your time." the waiter says. We nod, "Ooh they have great tteokbokki! We use to eat these in our trainee days!" Lay says. We end up ordering a huge feast. After a few hours of eating and talking, we finally arrive at a hotel. "Wow! This place looks AMAZING!" I say. "Comment puis-je vous aider aujourd'hui?" a worker asks. I remember we're in France, I don't speak French at all. "Bonjour, j'ai reserve 5 chambres. Mon nom est Do Kyung Soo." D.O says. "D.O knows french?!" I ask. "Yup. He studied it before." Chanyeol answers.  "Ah oui! Voici les cles de la chambre. J'espere que tu profites de ton sejour!" the worker says. "Merci." D.O says. After getting our keys, we head to our rooms. (Translation : "How I assist you today?" "Hello, I reserved 5 rooms. My name is Do Kyung-soo." "Oh yes! Here are your room keys. I hope you enjoy your stay. "Thank you.")

  "So two people need to share one room.." D.O says. "What?! Who do I share with?" I ask. "Me." Kai answers. Crap. "O-Okay! G'night guys!" I say while unlocking the door. Kai bellyflops onto the bed, I laugh, "Tired already?" I ask. Kai pulls me onto the bed with him, "You haven't changed, hm." I say. But Kai's already hugging me tight, "I need to take a shower Kai! Let me go!" I say. "Will you be back in my arms?" he asks. "Yes yes, Master Kai." I say while rolling my eyes. "Good, hurry my beautiful servant." he says. I take a warm hot shower, I turn off the tap. I dry myself and put on pjs. I walk out, I head to my bed. Before I even touch it, Kai pulls me back. "Wah!" I shriek. "You're back-- Did you shower because of me?" he says while grinning. "N-No!" I answer. He holds me tighter, we drift off to sleep together.

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