Chapter 15 : You or Him?

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Kai's POV :

  Skyler's scent, her eyes, her smooth hair, I wish morning would never shine upon us.

Skyler's POV : 

  I wake up beside Kai, he looks like a baby. Aww. I sneak out to get ready for school, I change my clothes and grab my bag. As I head out I hear someone, "Wait Sky!" Lay calls. I turn around, "Hey Lay!" I say. Lay crouches down and ties my shoelace, "Oh, thanks Lay." He smiles, "I'll see you at school Sky." I wave at him "Bye!" I say. I walk to school alone, I search for Karen, she hasn't come yet. I get to my locker, I see Suho in the distance, he doesn't spot me. I heart foot steps coming my way, Suho's walking towards me. "Hey Su--" I say. Suho slams my locker and grabs my wrist, he's walking towards a room. "Hey! What are you do--" I say. Suho leads me inside the room, Sehun is there. Suho steps aside, I walk towards Sehun. He pulls out a rose, "I want to be the special person in your life." he says. "Sehun.." I say as he hands me the rose. Before I say another word, there's a knock on the door. Sehun has a surprised face, I look at the door. Kai has a mad expression, this may be the end for me. Kai steps in the room and grabs me by my hand, "I have some business to do with Skyler. Excuse us." he says. We leave the room, "Kai! Let me go! You're hurting me!" I yield. "Just who is the one that's in your heart?!" he asks. "Why do you care?" I ask with a soft voice. Kai stops, he looks at me. "Because I'm in love with you." he says with confidence. So I was right, EXO does like me. Kai leads me back to class and steps out.

    I sit down at my desk, I see the others. I whisper to Karen, "Sehun and Kai just confessed to me." Karen has a surprised expression, "WHAT OMG GIRL YOU ARE LUCKY!" she says in a loud voice. My life is over. Do you guys know the moment when you tell your friend or whoever something that is gossip worthy and they just over-react and people are like "OMG OMG OMG"? That's me right now. Everyone in the class is looking at ME. Except for Lay, he comes to me and says "What are you guys looking at? I don't see anything wrong with them." Everyone returns to their work, "Thanks Lay." I whisper. Lay winks at me, "Oops sorry Skyler." Karen says. I mouth the words : It's fine. After class, I walk outside, what is going on with my life? Basically, EXO likes me. Suho thinks of me as a friend right? I'll have to choose someone in the end.. But that way I won't be close with all seven members. The person I choose and Suho would be by my side. I don't want to choose one person from EXO.. I want to choose all of them, I'll just have to accept the fact that EXO won't be with me forever. I start to tear up, I laugh at how stupid I am right now. I can't hold back my tears, loving someone is hard.. How did Mom and Dad love eachother? As I think of that, I hear footsteps. "A pretty playful girl shouldn't cry like that." he says. I look up, Lay is there with tissues. It was just like Day One, he handed me a tissue when I cried. Lay pats my head and sits beside me, "I'll always be here if you need me." he says with a smile. I'll need to pray he won't betray me if I don't choose him.

    After school I walked home by myself, I try to unlock my door. It won't budge, I pull on the door, I knock. "Hello?! I can't get in! Mom? Cody? Dad?!" I shout. I spot Kai on my right, I pretend I don't know he's there. I bang on the door, "Aish! No one's answering." I say with frustration. I forget that Kai was standing there watching me rage in public. I look for a open window, nope they're all locked. I turn to my left to see if Lay or the other EXO members are there. I remember the words Lay said, I need him, where is he? I try calling him on the phone, "Please pick up.." I say, there's no answer. I pick up a stick to fiddle with the lock, "Seriously?!" I say. This could be one of Cody's stupid pranks, "Cody.. You're dead when I get in.." I mumble. I jump over the fencing to look inside the house, it's empty. I look at the street, I see someone who looks like Lay. I get excited that I shout his name, "Oh! La-!" I say. Someone covers my mouth from behind and drags me into EXO's place. I struggle to free myself, "Mffmf.. Ngh.." I realize Kai is the one pulling me, I take a breath, "..Kai!.." I say. I end up in his room, "I haven't stopped tutoring you." he says. I can't leave EXO, ever.

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