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The following weeks came and went, and next thing I knew, I was sitting in Nicole's office with Nicole and Sasha, another woman that held the position of agent of many other artists.

The reason I was here was unknown to me. The only thing I knew was if another agent and my own were here, something with another artist was about to happen.

As the thoughts were swirling through my mind, the door swung open and a girl with long black hair walked in. I looked up from my phone, catching the glance of a girl with a deep, beautiful onyx color for eyes. Of course I knew who she was. She was a star in the agency, more than I myself was. Alex Folok.

"Ah, Alex. Perfect," Sasha said, beckoning her forward and to the seat beside me. "I'm guessing you already know who each other are?"

"I've seen her around before. I enjoy your music," Alex stated firmly, looking me straight in the eye. I looked down nervously.

"Ditto. And thank you."

"So," Nicole said next, "We didn't know if you two were aware, but the fans have been demanding you two sing together. That's why you're here."

"So you want us to work together? Why plan such a meeting for it and why not tell us simply?" Alex asked.

Sasha clicked the pen she was holding and set it down on the table, "That's the next thing. I've talked to Nicole, and we want you two to go on tour together."

My eyebrows were raised, "Together?!"

Sasha nodded, "Are you up for it?"

"Give us some time to talk, Sasha. Can we give you our answer tomorrow?"

She shrugged while Nicole answered, "Sure. Tomorrow at three."

We gathered our belongings and left the room, Alex and I standing by the front doors to the agency together. "Should we go to a café and talk about this?" I suggested.

She simply nodded as I led the way down the street to the same café I went to with Garroth. When we entered and got drinks, we sat in the same corner.

"So what's your opinion on this?" Alex asked, taking small sips of the cappuccino that sat in front of her.

"I'm confused as to what they meant... I never thought my first tour, if I ever went on one, would be with another artist..."

"I stand with you on that thought. However, I'm all up for it. I think it'll be a great advantage for both of us to earn more fans."

I took a long sip of my drink, then looked Alex straight in the the eyes and said, "Then I guess we're doing it."

"Great. So..." Alex held out the last word, "What's your background?"

"Of my life?"

"No, of your phone," Alex retorted, "Yes, you're life."

I repeated the same thing I told Garroth, including more facts that I had thought I would say. Alex was a good listener, focusing intently on every word that came out of my mouth.

When I finished she nodded, "I come from Tu'la, where my parents took a big part in the government of the region. I always grew up around the thought of politics and what it would mean to me. I was alone for a good portion of my life, seeing as my parents were either at work, on a date, or with their friends.

"I started singing in middle school, when I was simply singing along with a melody when one of my friends told me that I had a good voice. From then through high school, I showed off the talent some say I was 'blessed with,' ended up getting a record deal, and got here."

I nodded, "Not much difference between us, honestly. Both of our parents were involved in politics."

Alex smiled slightly, "Guess so."

The afternoon stretched on, and we left the café, walked into the deeper parts of the city, and stepped inside a restaurant. It being 5:00, we had agreed together to go to a local hotspot and enjoy some time for ourselves to communicate about the songs we would write and our interests.

I enjoyed talking with Alex for the time it lasted. But right as we were about to leave, she asked me a question that took a toll on my mood.

"So," she twirled the straw in her half full glass, "Are you and Garroth a thing?"


"The public thinks you are. You two have been caught together by fans and paparazzi and all quite frequently."

"W-we have?!"

"Mhm. Are you?"

"N-no! Not a-at all!"

"Well that's excellent news. He is a cutie after all."

Yes, he is. I wanted to say back. But I knew it was unwise.

"Introduce him to me sometime, okay?" Alex said, standing up from her seat.

"Okay," I muttered, standing as well. "We'll talk later."

With that, I scurried back to the agency and into my car, where I collapsed into my chair and sighed.

Into the traffic, I drove home, my thoughts full of the night I just had.


Thank to everyone that submitted OC'S! I loved them all, but this one caught my eye.

Congratulations BrightCrystalStar  for submitting Alex Falok. Your character will have an important role!

I'll probably have more contests in the future, but for now, enjoy the story!

Also, the video will come out soon. I've never uploaded videos before, so I'm still trying to get it together. I'll let you guys know once it's up.

I hope you enjoy the story so far! I promise I'm making it better than it seems at the moment.

Thanks for reading! Mwah!

Sad Song (Garmau AU) • Undergoing EditingWhere stories live. Discover now