Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

David Williams had joined the San Bernardino County Sheriff's office wanting a quiet life of ordinary police work – robberies, drug interdictions, and traffic accidents with the occasional rape or murder case so they could justify a CSI department in an ever tightening county budget. The last thing his ulcer needed was a mass shooting, let alone what had turned out to be a terrorist attack. "Shit like this brings on a whole lotta national attention!" he told his wife, Francine. "The FBI's all over this already and the fuckers haven't even left the office." He was not only worried that looming budget problems would be revealed before the Sheriff was ready but that any mistakes made in their initial response to the scene and investigation would blow up in their faces. Prior to all this, Williams was up for a promotion, on track to be Sheriff himself one day and he didn't want his chance ruined by some rookie bagging the evidence wrong or missing critical clue thus making the department, especially him, look bad. "This can't screw up, not now!" he said to himself while sitting in his home office, draining his third Budweiser.

"Those beers aren't going to help," Francine said as she grabbed the empties and went to answer the front door. "Now who is that this time of night?" She opened the door to see Martha and Mikey.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Martha Jones. I'm looking for Assistant Sheriff Williams."

"Francine! Is that Martha Jones?" shouted Williams.

"Yes," answered Francine, whose barely conscious bigotry and justifiable jealousy, was communicated in body language that treated the Torchwood investigators like Jehovah's Witnesses on an early Saturday morning.

"Well, let her in! Williams shouted again, "I've been expecting her."

Francine thought it brazen of her husband to let his latest mistress come to the front door and with another man at that – she knew of his rather kinky outside activities but didn't feel she should have to have it put in her face. This was going to cost her husband at least another pearl necklace – she didn't have her looks any longer but she did have her jewelry. "Please come in honey!" she said, her voice sweet like cheap dollar store chocolate.

Mrs. Williams' behavior was not missed by Mikey. "Why thank you, ma'am," he sneered back.

While being escorted to Assistant Sheriff Williams' office, Martha gave Mickey a Really, did you need to do that look. He simply shrugged.

When they arrived in the room, Williams offered a feign attempt to unruffled his wife's feathers, "Ah, Dr. Jones! Good to see you." He pointed to Mickey, "A colleague?"

"This is my husband, Mickey Smith. He is an investigator at U.N.I.T.," Martha explained while both shook Williams' hand.

"Ah, congratulations to you too," Williams again responded in a matter of small talk commonly employed in uncomfortable social gatherings. He turned to his wife, hoping to lower the bill for her next shopping spree, "I met Dr. Jones when I was at the FBI National Academy two years ago."

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