Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

When Jack and Ianto returned to the Hub, Jack looked through the suites to see which of his newly formed "team" had returned from their assignments. He found Rabbi Aliyah in her quarters, sweetly serenading Anwen with a traditional Israeli lullaby:

Numi, numi yaldati,

Numi, numi, nim (Sleep, my little girl, sleep).

Numi, numi k'tanati,

Numi, numi, nim (Sleep, my darling one, sleep).

Aba halach la'avoda (Daddy has gone off to work)

Halach, halach Aba (To work, to work he's gone).

Yashuv im tzeit halevana (He'll be back when the moon rises)

Yavi lach matana (with a gift for his little one)!

Aliyah swayed back and forth, smiling and singing quietly, holding Anwen close. The baby watched the older woman's lips intently, occasionally grabbing at Aliyah's glasses or nose. Jack watched the scene from the doorway. He heard the baby gurgle and saw that she was starting to fall asleep. He remembered singing lullabies to his daughter and her cooing then falling asleep in his arms – tears formed and he wondered if Ianto wanted children.

Once Aliyah was certain Anwen was asleep, she placed her in the basinet and turned on the monitor, placing it on a nearby nightstand. She smiled at Jack before turning down the lights and joining him in the hallway. "I convinced them that it was a safer to leave Anwen with me, as they were only going to be away for a fortnight," she whispered as she closed the door. "She is a good baby, such a nice disposition!"

"You do realize that song is highly sexist.," replied Jack as he quickly wiped his face with his hands. "Gwen would have a fit."

If his comment had been important, she may have rolled her eyes but Jack wasn't fooling his old teacher. She rested a hand on his back, offering assurance, and coerced him down the hallway, "Ianto appreciates your immortality much better than your wife did. You two should have no trouble starting and keeping a family." She matter-of-factly removed her half-glasses to her nose and continued, "Have you two decided which one of you is going to carry it or are you going to get a surrogate?"

"What have you found out regarding our alien terrorist problem?" Jack was not going into it now.

Aliyah stopped walking, forcing Jack to turn around and come back to her. "You haven't talked about children yet?" Here was her nagging-motherly tone again. "I have it on good authority that Ianto wants three kids."

"You do, huh?" Jack said sarcastically.

"We discussed it extensively during our pre-wedding consultation. Agreement about these things is critical to a successful marriage."

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