Chapter 12

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Maybe I'm amazed at the way you love me all the time

Maybe I'm afraid of the way I love you

Maybe I'm amazed at the way you pulled me out of time

And hung me on a line

Maybe I'm amazed at the way I really need you

- "Maybe I'm Amazed" by Sir Paul McCartney

A year later or maybe sooner . . . .

Life had been quiet around the rift lately which allowed the new members of Torchwood Cardiff to get to know one another and make the Hub their home. Anwen was walking and keeping her from setting off one alarm or another was difficult but fun job for everyone. Rhys and Gwen had considered moving to a proper family home but eventually decided it didn't make much sense – this way they saw one another more often. Martha was pregnant with twins and due in a few months which allowed Mickey to dote over her and organize the forensics lab, per Martha's instructions of course. Reassignment to Torchwood from U.N.I.T. was simple and it allowed Martha to see her mum and dad more often. Rabbi Aliyah took an extended leave of absence from Torchwood Tel Aviv, leaving operations there to a trusted assistant. She thought it best to keep an eye on Jack and Ianto to insure things this first year ran a smoothly as Jack's ego would allow. Additionally, with increased anti-Semitic acts in France, those Jews who did not immigrate to Israel or the States came to England and thus additional clergy were suddenly needed in the area. When she was not committed to Torchwood business, Aliyah was tutoring bar/bat mitzvah students or filling in for vacationing rabbis. Sarah opened a Krav Maga studio. Meanwhile, when not Weevil hunting, Jack and Ianto fucked like crazed college students.

One day, Ianto returned to the Hub from the market with coffee and tea supplies. He found the rest of the team in the common area surrounding Aliyah who was carrying a cooing infant. Jack stood just behind, looking slightly guilty. "Martha had her babies early?" Ianto asked while putting his bags on a nearby table. He immediately realized he was incorrect because Martha was in the group as well, still looking very pregnant.

"He's just perfect!" Gwen smiled.

"Looks just like you, mate," Mickey said to Ianto after giving him a cordial slap on the back.

Aliyah looked at a confused Ianto Jones and groaned. "You didn't tell him?!" she said to Jack.

Jack shrugged. "Charlye was here while you were out, Ianto."

"She didn't stay?" Ianto tried to withhold his disappointment.

"No," said Jack matter-of-factly.

Aliyah put the child in Ianto's arms then signaled to the others that it was best if they all left the room. Sarah shook her head and Aliyah had to shush her but the good rabbi sent Ianto a telepathic message before exiting, "Please, be kind. This time he really means well."

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