Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

Here comes the helicopter, second time today

Everybody scatters and hopes it goes away

How many kids they've murdered only God can say, hey

If I had a rocket launcher, if I had a rocket launcher

If I had a rocket launcher, I'd make somebody pay

I don't believe in guarded borders and I don't believe in hate

I don't believe in generals or their stinking torture states

And when I talk with the survivors of things too sickening to relate

If I had a rocket launcher, if I had a rocket launcher

If I had a rocket launcher, I would retaliate

- "If I Had a Rocket Launcher", Bruce Cockburn

The team met in the conference room after Rhys' "filling and heart healthy English breakfast". This room too had been redesigned with a table that would warm King Arthur's heart, hardy English oak, 7ft (2.13m) in diameter. A modern day Arthur would be pleased all his knights could work paperless with full WiFi access and holo-screen access.

"I know everyone took advantage of our newly designed suites last night however, I'd like to go over what we know before all of us fly off on our various leads and destinations," started Jack. He looked around the room then asked with a peeved pitch, "Rabbi, did you have time last night to run the Duchess' information past any of your Israeli contacts?"

Sarah gave Jack a dirty look and Aliyah put her hand on her partner's lap to signal "I got this" before giving Jack a "grandmother look". She put on her half-glasses and her salted dreadlocks covered her face as she looked down on her notes – unlike Sarah, she still liked the old ways. "My people combined the information from MI-6 with chatter and informant intel but some things are not adding up."

"Like?" Jack asked, still irritated with her but in full realization that this did not matter to her.

"The level of coordination is remarkable and improving by the incident." Sarah put the data from Torchwood Tel Aviv on the larger holoscreen. Red points on a clear global map indicated each jihadist terrorist, with different shapes depending on which group, incident since the 1993 Twin Tower parking garage attacks. "But more importantly it is forming a pattern, may be even a symbol of some sort." Sarah waved her hand which removed the map, leaving the red spots.

"Looks like a bunch of red dots to me," said Rhys.

Martha got up to take a closer look, "No, I think the rabbi is on to something but maybe . . . maybe it needs further untangling." Aliyah nodded.

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