Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven

An hour later, after she finished her prayers, Aliyah found Jack still on the roof, "Congratulations Harkness! You're the only person I know in the galaxy who can turn a perfectly good blow job into an argument."

Jack wasn't sure what bothered him most – her voyeuristic telepathy or the fact that she was right. "Do you specialize in pissing me off?"

She gave a fake grimace, "Oh, how he wounds me!" She wrapped her prayer shawl tightly around her to protect from the bellowing bitter winter wind. "Jack, this is serious. You broke the man's coffee cup."

"I bought him that cup!"

"All the worse," she countered. "The symbolism would set you up for a domestic violence charge."

"Are you going to have me arrested?" he said with tacky sarcasm.

"Tistom tapeh yanaal (Shut up idiot)!" she said in Hebrew.

Jack was set back by her unusual harshness. They stood in silence for a number of minutes, long enough for him start feeling guilty. "What do you want me to do?"

Aliyah was shorter than Jack but she didn't have to look up for her point to be any more potent. "Start appreciating that this man loves you in ways no one in a century has and that your moments with him are limited. Don't wait to make apologies and stop coming up with reasons you have to offer them."

He started to say "I'm sorry" but she was gone – only her telepathic voice remaining, "I'll start the fix to this Harkness. But not for you but because this group will die if doesn't have a consistent supply of its normal, scrumptious liquid fuel."


The armory was another new feature of the redesigned Hub. Inspired by the film, the Kingsmen, at first glance this equipment room resembled a library in small private estate but in reality it was the war room from Patton's wet dreams. One side held weapons, alien and the highest quality, latest editions of human arsenical neatly ranked and posted in cases along with instructional guides and antique texts of military history. On the other side, sets of virtual reality headsets programmed with shooting and martial arts simulations hanging from a wall adjacent to an 8' x 10'6" Japanese tatami. It also had a life size interactive map system programmed with over a thousand different terrains, along with local and intergalactic maps of various civilizations. In the center was an island with all the cleaning equipment and tools necessary to properly maintain every item in the room. When Aliyah came in, Ianto was conducting maintenance on two Glock 20, 10mm automatics - Gwen's gun of choice. "If you're here to argue on his behalf, you're wasting your breath," Ianto hissed.

Initially put-off by Ianto's unusual hostility, she stopped before reaching him and reassessed her approach. She decided to soliciting more information. "You're right, I did know about it. The Doctor and I thought it best that Jack tell you – that it would be a good test."

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