Chapter 9

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The man behind the camera pointed at Amberly, signaling that we were live on Illea's televisions across the nation.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Illea, welcome to tonight's extra special report. I have a very important announcement to make. Beside me you have probably already noticed a familiar face, Lady America Singer from my son's selection. You have probably also noticed the other two seated up here with me. They are May and Gerad Singer, America's siblings. They are here because they are part of this special announcement,"

"During the selection I got to know Lady America very well, and there was one point during the competition that I was sure my son was going to choose her as his bride. Still to this day I am certain she would have been his choice because he loved her so much," Tears began to well up in my eyes at this. I missed my Maxon, but I convinced myself to save my tears. I would need happy ones later.

"During the rebel attack on the palace on the day of my son's engagement America's mother was killed in the chaos. Her father had also passed over Christmas, and when the selection ended I took America and her siblings in and cared for them because they had no where to go. I have grown to love each one of them with a love comparable to a mother and her own children, so tonight I am announcing the official adoption of America, May, and Gerad into my family,"

The in-studio audience cheered and whistled. Next to the camera in front of us a media consultant nodded his head and smiled as people talked to him on his earpiece, signaling a positive reaction to Amberly's broadcast.

"Many people around the Illea and the world have been asking about who will be my heir. Here to tell us about those plans is my new daughter, America Singer,"

I nodded and approached the podium in front of us. "Good evening Illea, it is a pleasure to be standing here in front of you again. I know that during the selection I may have seemed like a firecracker candidate," there were a few chuckles from my friends in the audience, "but I have big plans for my beloved country, and I promise you I will not let you down. As Amberly's oldest child I will inherit the throne someday, and I promise as Queen I will not let you down. Thank you." I walked back to my seat and noticed the media man was still nodding and smiling. Illea had accepted the news, and apparently well.

"That is all for tonight's report Illea. Thank you and good night." Said Amberly, and the harsh lights of the studio went dark.


"Mer!" Called Aspen when he spotted me. He had just returned from Carolina with his mother and sisters, and I was glad to see my old friend. I ran to him and he lifted me up and spun me around, and then set me back down as fast as he could and put his hands behind his back.

"Ummmm, sorry America, uh, your highness, I was just, uh," he stuttered.

"It's alright Aspen, I'm happy to see you too, and don't ever call me your highness again, it would get on my nerves."

"You sure don't like people calling you names America,"

"What do you mean?"

"Well you had that thing with..." He stopped, but I knew exactly what he was talking about. Maxon. "My dear". The America that hated that name left long ago.

"How is your family Aspen? Are they settling in to Angeles alright? Are the housing conditions okay for them?"

"They're perfect, Mer, thanks,"

"I just want to make sure they're comfortable. You, errr, they mean a lot to me. You know, being from my home town and all,"

"Of course," he said, and an awkward silence surrounded us.

"So are you being instated as captain of the guard today?" I asked him.

"Yep," he said in return.

"Great, then I'll see you later?"

I could see him visibly relax. His shoulders dropped and his creased brow smoothed out again. "Of course,"

"Well, good-bye Aspen," I said before walking away as fast as was politely possible.


I don't know what's wrong with me and Aspen. It's I'm fifteen again and he's seventeen and we can't talk to each other anymore. It's like...

It's like I'm falling in love with him all over again.

But that can't be right. I determined a long time ago that I didn't need his knight in shining armor love because I was not a damsel in distress. Or was I?

I'd been through a lot since the rebel attack. I lost my true love, and I had become the heir to the Illean throne. The trials ahead of me are much greater than the ones I left behind.

Maybe what I need now is no longer a charming prince,

but a hero.

Disclaimer: I am not a bitter Asperica shipper!! In fact, I am one of the biggest Maxerica shippers you will ever meet. I knew from the jacket description of The Selection that I would root for Maxon, however, this story I am writing is Kiera Cass's original idea for the ending of The Selection, and I am simply trying to write it how I think it would have gone.

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