Eren's POV:
shit! Shit shit shit I'm going to be late! I ran down the hallway of the training center, my boots clicking on the stone floor as I reached the door to my classroom. No one else was in the hallway as I knocked on the wooden door hesitantly. Will he be teaching today?
My hand has just come off the door for the second time when it swung open, "Your late Jeager" a harsh voice said
I looked down at Levi, his black hair covering one of his eyes as he looked up fiercely at me, my heart beat a little faster when I saw him
"Sorry sir, I woke up late"
"Again! When will you learn, get to the back of the classroom right now" Levi turned around and went to his desk at the front, leaving me trailing behind him. The class stared at me like I had just turned into a titan
Oh wait
I can do that
Well shit. I made my way to the back of the classroom, shutting the door behind me. I sat down in my desk and looked at the board. Armin was sitting beside me and Mikasa was on my other side.
"Today we will learn about the weaknesses of Titans, which include their weak spot and distractions and so on" Levi said, picking up a piece of chalk "One of the most important things about fighting titans is-" Levi suddenly whipped around and threw the chalk at Mikasa, she barely moved and reached up and caught the chalk, stopping it from hitting her face.
"Reflexes" Levi finished, nodding at Mikasa, she threw the chalk back to him and he caught it smoothly. The way his muscles moved on his neck and arms sent shivers down my spine
What. Like he is fucking hot be attracted to him? I'm a guy, he's a guy...
I snapped out of my train of thought when Levi started writing on the board. Class went by quickly, I couldn't really focus on what was being said as I was staring subconsciously at Levi the whole time. Until
"Jeager!" Levi yelled, making my eyes snap back into focus "What did I just say!?" he had his hands on his desk and he was staring intensely at me
"I-uh-uhhh" I stuttered, sitting up and shifting in my seat, "I uh I don't know sir"
Levi stood up straight, "See me after class Jeager" at that moment the bell rang and everyone got up and left, Armin and Mikasa shooting looks of pity at me as they left through the closing door.
I moved my brown hair out of my face, my green eyes looking at Levi in worry. What job is he going to give me as punishment?!
Levi sat at his desk quietly, looking down at some paperwork. His hands moved quickly over the papers
"uh sir...?" I said hesitantly, shifting in my seat. Levi looked up
"You sure are an interesting boy aren't you Eren" Levi said quietly, putting one hand under his chin lightly, the collar of his shirt brushing his hand. "You, a seemingly regular guy can turn into an extraordinary titan on almost pure will and still act like his life is normal." Levi got up and walked over to me.
"Yes you sure are hard to figure out" Levi looked at me, placing his hands on my desk. My heart beat faster and my hands shook. "But one thing I do know about you, is that you tend to slack off on your schooling" he leaned in closer "and I do not appreciate that, and if you are smart you will not be late for another class, am I clear?" he pulled away and stood up, looking down at me as I was sitting down
Holy shit I sure was intimidated, "Y-yes sir!" I said with a shaking voice, I needed to get over myself.
"Good, get out" Levi turned on one heel and went back to his desk. I got up and rushed out of the room, my breaths coming a little faster.
I need to get over myself...whats wrong with you? Why are you acting like this around him? You have never been like this before Eren snap out of it
I got back to my room and closed the door slowly behind me, I then was facing Armin. Mikasa standing behind him, anger in her eyes
"What the hell Eren you need to stop being late!" Mikasa said
"WHAT DID HE DO WHAT DID HE SAY" Armin attacked me with questions, I calmed them both down and told them how it wasn't a big deal
"Hey Eren you don't look so good are you ok?" Mikasa said to me as I sat down on my bed, "You look pale"
"I'm fine, just need some rest...ill talk to you guys later ok?" I said, turning over and closing my eyes
"ok..." Armin and Mikasa left and I was alone with my own thoughts
Well thought.
All I really could think about was Levi and the way he was so close to me, the way his breath ruffled my eyelashes and bangs.
I shook my head.
Get over yourself you fool.
Hey guys
This is my first ever ever boyxboy fanfic
Don't judge XD
tell me how u think!
Have a good day :P

Eren X Levi. Ereri
FanfictionAn Attack on Titan fanfic, Eren x Levi (boy x boy) I do not own any AOT characters **THIS WRITING IS AWFUL I AM SO SORRY am doing another Ereri on my account if you want tad bit better style of writing ^.^**