Moment - [Part 10]

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(Read note at end, thanks😊)
Enjoy :D
Eventually Mark says he needed to go and ends the broadcast, but I soon hear my phone ring again.
"Meet you outside in 10?" Mark says,
"Sure, see ya," and I smile back.


"Hello? Anyone home?" I hear a laugh from outside.
"Obviously not, everyone's gone," I chuckle, and grab my phone again.
I jump up from my seat, open the door and see Mark, with a huge grin on his face.
This is why I love Mark, it's impossible to be unhappy when you're around him.
I step forward and wrap my arms around him, it honestly felt like ages since I'd seen him, yet it was only the other day. We both let go after what felt like forever, and I look back at him. He looks back at me, we're both staring into each other's eyes.
"HONEY HAVE FUN, REMEMBER TO BE BACK BY 10," I hear Mum yelling from upstairs.
We both laugh, my Mum always has some sort of way of ruining whatever I'm doing.
He slips his hand into mine and we start to walk down the street to the movie theatre.
"You know what, there aren't really any good movies on at the moment," Mark stops and looks at me.
"Good point, but there's not really anything else to do," I said back.
Mark pauses and thinks for a second,
"Hold on, follow me," and he grabs my hand. We're both running down the street, laughing, I haven't got a clue where he's taking me.
After a few minutes Mark stops.
"Here, I know this isn't much, but I used to come here as a kid, and I think it's pretty cool," and he turns me round to look over a beautiful lake, near a park I didn't even know about.
The moon's reflection sat in the glistening water, the tall trees blew quietly against the breeze, and then gently Mark turned round, and kissed me. He held my hand so tightly, and all of a sudden looked worried, light he had done something wrong.
"Are you ok?" I whispered and clutched onto his hand, "Mark?" And he turned round and looked at me.
"Did I just mess up?"
"Was that stupid, what did I do that for?" and he gets down to sit on the floor.
"What are you on about?" I answer and sit on the floor next to him.
"I just felt something, and one thing lead to another and I kissed you, I'm sorry," he said and placed his head against his hands.
"No, it's ok, we are supposed to be on a 'date' remember?" and I laugh.
"You've got a point,"
And I laugh at him.
I hold onto his hand again and gaze into his eyes. I kiss him.
"There we go, we're equal now, ok?" and he laughs.
"Sure," and he wraps his arm round my shoulders and I lean my head on his chest.
I wish this moment could last forever.
[Hey guys☺️ hopefully this isn't too bad😂 Took me a while so make sure to leave comments and stuff about what you think.. I haven't posted in a while, but I came back to see everyone's comments, and to see we hit 4K READS! That means a lot guys, thank you! See you soon - Rosie💞]

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