*He Smiles* - [Part 11]

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Ok so I barely got to check this before I had to rush out, so if there are any typos or weird sentences in really sorry I'll fix them eventually😂
Anyway, enjoy😊


My head hurts, I can't move, I feel like I'm gonna vomit. I clamber out of my cosy bed into the cold, cruel world outside. In other words, stepping on the cold floor in my bedroom.
I slip on some warm socks and some how walk downstairs, dizzy and sick.
"Beth?" Mum calls up to me.
I grunt.
"You alright? You practically look dead," she laughs and gets up.
I grunt again. I slowly step down the stairs but suddenly feel even more dizzy, I can't focus or hear anything Mum's saying, I can't see my feet our in front of me, that's it.


"Where the hell am I?" I mumble and gradually sit up, but a sharp pain from my stomach stops me, forcing me back down.
"Honey! I was so worried about you!" Mum cries and leaps over to me.
"W-w-what happened?" I murmur again.
"You fell, you passed out, you're ill Beth, but it's ok,"
"No, you're not going to school for a while, neither will you really be able to see many of your friends, sorry" she laughs and wraps her arms round me, "but like I said, you'll feel better soon."

At this point I'm so confused. How did I fall? How 'ill' am I? I barely even know what's wrong with me!

A loud opening of the doors in front wakes me up from this 'conversation' with myself.
"Beth!" I hear a yell and someone comes running towards me with a huge hug. I quickly realise it's Mark.
"I'll leave you guys to it for a minute," my Mum says as she gets up.
"Thanks," I smile over to her.

"Are you ok? You fainted or something? I would've been here quicker I just w--"
"No it's ok, I barely just woke up, and I should be asking you the same question, you look like you just ran a marathon!" I chuckle.
"Well, yeah, I was in a panic to get to you ok?" he smiles back at me and gently holds my hand.
We keep talking, we could carry on talking for what felt like years, but Mark gets distracted by his phone going off.
"Oh it's my Mom, one sec," he picks up the phone, and listens for a second.
"Oh ok, see you soon then, bye," he ends the call and looks at me again,
"I'm really sorry but I gotta go, I will be back, I promise," and he lightly kisses me on the forehead.
"Ok, see you soon," I pause.
"and thank you,"
"For what?"
"For, you know, being there for me,"
He smiles.


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