Ch. 1: Back to the Village and the Green Beast

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WARNING! There are cringe worthy moments in this book! Serena might seem like a mary sue... hell she probably is. Did I know when I was writing? No. Did I do it purposely? No. I was just making this book on a whim without knowing much. 

I mean I was in Grade 10, immature and weird. Okay? Lol I'm in University now. If you want an UNCRINGE worthy book, checkout my new series The Scarlet Eyes and its sequel the Crimson Eyes. Readers have truly said I've improved and even some have gone far saying that they should be nominated for the Watty awards. I mean that says something right???? hehe

If you're a huge Itachi fan like moi, then read my Eternity story too! I have improved immensely these past few years, and my passion still stays the same. PLEASE don't think that my other books are like this 'Belonging' one. I truly do not like this particular series I have written, but I have kept it on Wattpad because some readers like to see how authors improve with each story they write, which I think is just so sweet. :)

But if you are going to read my new series, FINISH it completely first... then decide if you like it or not. Lol. Don't just bash hate against it without even finishing a story, because that just makes you ignorant. 

ANYWAYS, enjoyyyy~~~ :)

Serena's POV

Konohagakure, the Leaf Village. I was finally returning back after 7 years of travelling. I had left when I was 5 years old, leaving behind people I cared about. But now, I was finally back.

I was looking a bit different now. Definitely taller, my features have grown including my height and chest. My ninja outfit also changed. Pic to the right. There were things that were still the same such as my hair and the red streaks. But on my forehead I had a special green circular design (in the pic) It's just like how mom has a purple diamond. Behind this design, I'm reserving 30 percent of my chakra, just like mom.

I'm still the same me, but with a few changes. But everyone changes right? Anyways I was headed towards the Leaf Village.

I was in the forest right now washing up so I looked presentable. I packed all of my things and headed off towards the famous gate.

**Time Skip 10 mins**

I walked up to the front gate and stopped. I grinned as the sun shone high above without a cloud in sight covering it. I breathed in the fresh scent and let the wind blow my hair.

I looked to the left to see Izumo and Kotetsu sleeping away. I smirked and walked over. I bent over the desk right in between the two's ears. I took a deep breath.

"WAKE UP YOU BAKAS!" I shouted. They jolted awake and fell back in their chair. I started laughing at the site. "Hahahaha! L-look at your f-faces! Haha. You should have seen your faces!" I doubled over and laughed. They stood up and dusted themselves off.

They narrowed their eyes at me. I trailed off in my laughter and rose an eyebrow at them.

Kotetsu took out a kunai and threatened me. "Who are you and what are you doing in this village!?" He questioned. I rolled my eyes and giggled at their "scary" voice.

"C'mon guys. You can't even recognize me? It has been 7 years, but seriously I still look the same!" I told them with my arms crossed across my chest.

Izumo crunched his eyebrows thinking. Then a light bulb came on top of his head. "Aha! Your Serena, right? Yes yes we've heard about you. You're actually in the bingo book!" My eyes widened in shock.

"What??!! Really! That's so cool! Give me a copy!" He handed me the latest issue of the Bingo Book. I opened it and found my page.

Name: Serena Senju

Book 2: Belonging in the Naruto WorldWhere stories live. Discover now