Chapter 1

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(Taylor's POV) I have just say down with a cup of coffee and a cinnamon cookie at hand, in Central Park. It's Spring so people are out jogging, walking their dogs, or just taking a walk. It's such a beautiful morning. The dew is still on the grass.

I'm taking a sip of my coffee, when the person I'm waiting for shows up in front of me. They're wearing sweats.

"Hello, Taylor."

"Hey, Harry."

"So, what do you want to do today?" Harry says as be sits next to me on the bench.

"Well, I'm not sure. Maybe we could go roam Times Square?"

"Sure. My favorite bar here in NYC is there."

"Uhm... Alright then." I hate it whenever we go to that bar. Harry always either drinks too much, or sees his friends and ditches me. I shouldn't have mentioned Times Square.

We go to Times Square and window shop for a few hours. Finally lunch time arrives and we stop to get something to eat. We leave, and continue our afternoon. Eventually, Harry's favorite bar comes into view. He rushes us over to it. And as expected, his friends are there. Harry immediately dashes for them. I'm left standing in the doorway.

Harry gets a drink and starts playing Pool with his friends. I just sit at a table and wait. Three hours pass and Harry's drinking worsens. I can't stand it; I go over to take to him.

"Harry, please. You need to stop drinking. You're my ride home and I don't want you to be drunk."

"Go away, Taylor. I'm in the middle of a game."

"Harry, I need to get home. It's almost seven."

"Boo hoo. You need to be reckless once in a while."

"Harry, come on. We need to-"

"Just go away!" Harry shoves me, knocking me to my feet.

"Please stop. You're going hurt me."

"Shut up b****!" Harry starts hitting me with his Pool stick and his friends are laughing. I curl up into a ball until he's stopped. I get up and rush out before Harry hits me again. I take out my phone and randomly press one of the speed dial numbers.

"Hello? Taylor?" A British accent says over the phone.

"Ed? Can you come pick me up? I'm in Times Square at Harry's favorite bar."

"Of course, of course. I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Thank you." I say with a sniffle.

"Are you alright?"

"I don't know... Just please hurry.

"Don't worry, I'll be fast. I'm in my car now."

"Thanks, Ed." I hang up and wait for Ed to arrive.

Like he said, he was there in ten minutes. I walk over to his car and get in.

"Taylor! You have red marks and bruises all over you! What happened?"

"Harry started beating me with a Pool stick."

"I should go in there and give him a beating! When I get my hands on him I'll-"

"Be on your way to jail. Please, just take me away from here."

"Alright, alright." Ed starts driving and we end up at his apartment complex. He takes me inside and we go up to the fifth floor to get to his apartment. We arrive in front of his door, he unlock it, I head inside. I start to head to the couch but Ed says "No, you're going in my bed."

"I much prefer the couch."

"No couch for you Miss Taylor." I give in and he guides me to his bedroom. I sit down on his bed and wince. I now realize how bad I've been beaten. Ed helps me get the rest of me onto the bed when he sees me wince.

"Thanks, Ed."

"Yeah, I'll be right back, I'm going to get you some ice." Ed walks out of the room. He comes back a few minutes later with bags of ice. We set them on my legs, shoulders, and on my head. I hold one on my cheek.

"Thanks again. You're the best."

"I know. Here, how about we watch some T.V.?

"Ok." Ed grabs the remote off a table and turns on the T.V. at the end of the bed. It turns on to "Fairly Odd Parents".

"Oh, sorry. Did you want to watch something else?"

"No, no this is fine."

"Ok" Ed says he sits down next to me on the bed.

"I'm glad you were in New York today, Ed."

"Me too." Ed kisses the side of my head. Wait, was that a friendly kind of kiss, or was it meant to be more than that? I don't want to know.

As nine approaches, I start to get sleepy. I crawl under the covers without thinking and fall asleep. Thinking of Harry.

(Ed's POV) Taylor falls asleep as soon as she crawls under the covers of my bed. She's so bruised up from Harry's beating. I wish she would break up with him already. What does she see in him to stay with him?

I do the unthinkable. I call Harry. The pone rings three times before he picks up.

"Hello? Who's this?"

"It's Ed. We need to talk."

"Oh hey Ed. What do we, uh, need to talk about?"

"It's about Taylor."

"Speaking of, do you know where she is? Or have you talked to her?"

"I'm not telling you. I want to know why you beat Taylor? Were you drunk?"

"I beat Taylor? When?"

"A few hours ago when she was still at the bar with you."

"I would remember what I did. I might have had a few drinks." I know Harry is still some what drunk, he's asking dumb questions and answering mine late.

"Well you should remember! You know what, I don't want to be friends with you anymore. Our friendship is over. You hurt Taylor, and I'm not happy about it."

"Ed, I was drunk! It was an accident!"

"Not to me."

"Ed, wait, plea-" I hang up and delete and block Harry from my phone. I look over at Taylor; she's still sleeping. How can someone so beautiful, so sweet and caring, be hurt so many times? Taylor deserves better. If only she wasn't dating Harry. I would've told her that I love her.

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