Chapter 2

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(Taylor's POV) I wake up to the sound of the early morning noises of New York City. It takes me a moment to realize where I am. I'm at Ed's apartment. Oh no, I spent the night! I was supposed to meet my mom at my apartment last night. I hope she's not worried.

I look for my bag and it's on a table next to the bed. I take out my phone and check for messages. My mom texted and called me ten times, asking me where I was and if I was alright. I text her back saying "Sorry I didn't make it. I fell asleep at Ed's."

She immediately replies saying "Thank goodness you're alright! I'm glad you were someplace safe." Wow, my mom thinks being with Ed is safe.

I reply "I'll meet you at my apartment in about an hour?"

"Ok, I'll see you there." After I read her text, I get up to go to the bathroom. But I end up falling at the feeling of sore, bruised legs that are weak from last night. I can't get up without my legs collapsing underneath me.

"Ed, you here?" I call out.

Ed rushes in and says "Yes I'm- what happened?! Are you alright?!" He rushes over to help me stand up.

"Yes, I'm fine. My legs are just too weak for me to stand. I was going to go to the bathroom."

"I'll help you, Taylor." Ed picks me up bridal style and carries me to the bathroom.

"I need to take a bath."

"I'll run the water for you. You just sit here while I get it ready. Ok, love?"

"Ok, thanks." Did Ed just call me "love"? What am I thinking, it's a British expression. Though, Harry never says it to me. I look around and notice Ed had written "+" on the corner of the mirror. Adorable.

"Ok, your bath is ready. Do you need to help you... um..."

"No, I'm fine. Just set me on the edge of the tub and I'll be fine from there." I say with a chuckle.

"Alright." Ed says as he smiles at me. Then he picks me up and sets me on the edge of the tub.

Ed just stands there, not knowing what to do. I say "You can leave now." with a hint of a chuckle in my voice.

"Oh right, sorry. But if you need anything, holler." He says with a slight laugh.

"I will. Oh, can you get me a towel?"

"Oh yes, of course." Ed shuts the door as he goes to get me a towel. I quickly undress before he comes back and I slip into the tub. Ed even put bubbles in!

"There's a knock on the door a minute later. I pull the curtain over so I'm not exposed. "Come in." I call.

"I've got your towel." Ed says as he peers in. Once he sees I'm not exposed, he comes in, laying the towel in front of the tub.

"Thanks, Ed."

"You're welcome." He stares at me in the eyes and I stare at him. Some kind if connection forms between us. Ed slowly sits down next to the tub, not taking his eyes off mine. I can't look away, our eyes are locked. Ed starts leaning I , closer and closer to my face. I don't move. I know what's coming, but I don't do anything. I sit there in the tub, stiff. But suddenly, our lips meet. I don't know what I'm thinking, but I move my lips. Neither of want to pull away. But my mind snaps back to reality. I pull away and pull the curtain between us so Ed can't see my tears.

"That was wrong, Ed! That was wrong! I'm with Harry. We're friends. This can't happen..."

"Taylor, I'm sorry. I didn't meant for that to happen. I-"

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